Chapter 11: New Number

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I think I died once during the process of hauling Malcom's body up the stairs and through the door. The poor guy was drooling on my shoulder as I jammed the keys in the door knob and flung us in. We practically toppled into the room, but at least I had avoided the scholarship Malcom would win to Hangover University.

I successfully got him into his bed on his side. I planted a water bottle on his side table and placed a cold towel on his forehead. I tried prying his shoes off like in the movies but the bastard double knotted his laces. I kicked one off after a hot minuet of struggling, contemplated the other, then decided not to put myself through that obstacle course. I nearly went off on his bitch-to-untie methods. The damn thing was like a cheerleader's fishtail braid. But I had to give him credit. At least he had the foresight that he's be too drunk enough to carry anything if he lost his shoes, let alone himself.

I crashed on my own bed after rummaging through the fridge for anything cold to put on my scrap. I discovered that the cold bag of expired frozen peas in the back of the freezer wasn't to be taken for granted. It's an item of a developed matured household. Not a college dorm. I might as well be living out of my backpack. I managed to scrounge a few ice cubes and a damp napkin that would hopefully get the swelling down.

A slight buzz went off in my front pocket. I dug it out to find the time that reminded me I had a 9 am class in a few hours and a text message. I slightly hovered the phone near my chest at a guess of who it might be.

From: Unknown
Did you treat that scrap yet?

It was from a number I didn't know, but clearly Ryder. The only person who knew about my scrap was him. Even if I hadn't mentioned it, he'd probably notice anyways. That guy's crazy observant even though he doesn't look like he has a care in the world. He can figure anything out. I didn't want to reply with his name because that might come off as eager. But the fact that he found out was enough to make my stomach flip.

Who's this?

There were a few dots loading as he typed. I watched it and imagined him on the other line typing his reply just to talk with me.

From: Unknown
Don't be smart

My fingers jumped on the request.


From: Unknown
Sure is

I bit my lip as I typed my response

From: You
I didn't expect you to text me

From: Unknown
You didn't think it was me? Who else has been dragging you into dark rooms?

From: You:
Lol I don't know if I could survive another interaction like that without a migraine. God you scared me.

From: Unknown
Finally you admit it. Couldn't do that to my face?

Form: You
I don't know if you know how it works, but people don't usually admit that to the thing that scared them.

From: Unknown
But ur not like other people. I mean other people don't hate their in laws the way you do. It's kinda special.

From: You
Well, I didn't find the right time to ask for your number and memorize it so we wouldn't have to go through these games

From: Unknown
Wasn't during God's plan a good time? Or maybe before your sister's boyfriend. Or the future in law you'd be?

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