Chapter 10: Dark rooms

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There wasn't anything for me here. But Malcom, Rue, and I came in the same car so it's not like I could just leave. At least the lights in here were calm enough.

I walked, not sure where to. Anywhere away from these people. Soon, the party adrenaline went away, and I realized how tired I felt. All that mattered was finding a decent place to pass out on.

There was a stair case, so I went up the second floor. When I got to the hall, I began a trial and error journey of putting my ear on the door to avoid any naked walk ins. My plan was to pass out the second I hit bed. I'd be unconscious, but fully clothed so it's not like it's be a problem if anyone walked in on me.

My mind drifted to Camila. She probably left early. She didn't seem drunk, just sad. But that still worried me. Driving emotional is a step down from driving intoxicated. I've been wondering since age 11 if a hangover's worser than heartbreak.

After a couple of aimless minuets, I stumbled in a bathroom which thankfully was vacant. I grabbed a towel from somewhere and began drying my hair. It was getting cold outside and I had no intention of catching something. I'm also sure no one would like having wet trails all over their house.

I felt a burning sensation prominent on my left hip. My shirt was refusing to pull from my skin and knew I had hit it against something. I lifted it, and it was sticking to a bleeding scrap, probably from the pool. I wince while tugging it off, the inside hem of my shirt gross and sticky.

I didn't want to take it off but I was too fed up to care. So I just started walking down the hall in search for an aid kit. It's not like it was weird or anything, since shirtless people is a common sight at a pool party. At least I was sober and no one was touching me.

Except for when a hand wrapped around my wrist.

My heart jumped in my throat. I forgot how to breathe, gasping as someone pulled me inside a dark room. A daunting click sounded the locking of the door.

I could barely see. I didn't know anyone here but the people I came with, so who would have any business with me? The moonlight was still pouring in and so were the street lights. Giving me just the perfect opportunity to look at who was backing me into a corner.

Ryder was still wet. Dripping, in fact. I think he must've jumped in the pool right before now, because the water dripping from his hair was soaking my naked chest. Of course, his shirt had to be off. Of course, so was mine.

I began registering his hand placement. The grip he had on my wrist was now on both of them. And they were pinned against the door, trapping me under him. There was no where I could go. He made sure of that.

He wasn't looking as relaxed as he did an hour ago. He was seemed stressed and mildly pissed off. His grip remained tight and began to hurt. I was trying to control my shaky breaths, but he was as still as he was good looking. He didn't even breathe.

"Ryder?" I tried. He was unresponsive. "You need something?"

"What did you hear?"


He gradually let go of me. I had to admit he had a nice smell. "The other day."

"That? Nothing. I swear." I rubbed my wrist, feeling ashamed.

He took a step back. "You heard something."

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