Chapter 9

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I forgot to tell you guys, but May 22nd was my birthday!! Enhyphen came out with a new album on my birthday! BEST. BIRTHDAY. EVER!! I LOVE BITE ME THOO

Jisung followed after Minho in the big, long hallways of the Crimson Empire. Earlier, he had sat down and got pampered by a few maids. They put light makeup on him and dressed him up like a doll. Not going to lie, he kinda liked it. But of course, he didn't tell that to Minho. He was going to play hard to get. He didn't want the impression that this handsome, hot, fine looking  man can swoon him and submit to him.

Two can play this game.

Minho approached a balcony and held his hand out towards Jisung. Jisung looked at it and hesitantly placed his own tiny hand in it. Minho smiled softly and squeezed it softly. Jisung blinked and stepped forward. With his other hand, he tried to shade his eyes from the bright sun. He looked down at the tiny, little ants, who were looking back at him, murmuring about the beautiful omega next to their prince. 

"People of the Crimson Empire." All the talking stopped.

"As you know, i have no mate. Well, not until now. This is my mate, Han Jisung. He is to be your Luna once i am crowed King. I expect you all to treat him with respect like you have shown me." Minho raised an eyebrow. Of course, no one dare to object. His cold face and demeanor already scared everyone. Especially, when everyone knew what he could do.

"My coronation is in a month and that is when we are to be married. Thank you." Minho ignored the shock face of Jisung that was staring at him. The crowd bellowed cheered and hollered. Their prince had finally met his mate! 

Minho turned his head towards Jisung and raised his hand that was intertwined with his. He raised the back of hand to his delicate, beautiful lips and kissed it softly. He let it linger there for a moment more and raised his head to look back at a Jisung. Jisung was shocked. Minho thought Jisung couldn't look less pretty. His cheeks were a darker shade of red, his lips were parted a bit more due to the shock. It was also painted a faint shade of crimson red. His eyeshadow made his eyes bigger, and it stood out more. His caramel, brown hair was curly and parted in the middle. All together, he looked absolutely divine. The crowd, of course, were shocked but nevertheless, they exploded with cheers. Everyone turned into minsung shippers at this point. ( 😎)

Minho pulled Jisung back away from the balcony and pulled him towards his chest. Jisung yelped and subconsciously placed his hands on his mate's chest. He looked up at Minho and blushed. 

Maybe one can play this game.

"Will you mine forever, my beautiful Hannie?" 



Ooooo la la~

Author:) out

All for me Minsung :)Where stories live. Discover now