Chapter 10

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"Will you be mine forever, my beautiful Hannie?"

Jisung froze. He couldn't think properly when Minho looked at him like that. His coffee, brown eyes bore into his. Minho looked at Jiusng's lips and liked his own subconsciously. 

"W-we'll see." Jisung cursed himself for stuttering. Minho chuckled.

"Well then, i'll just have to win your heart." Minho flashed a charming smile at his cute mate. Jisung blushed madly. Even though the village despised the Crimson Empire's prince, Jisung was the exact opposite. Now that he met him, how can anyone despise that charming demeanor of his? He always heard stories of the prince being a monster. A ruthless beast that showed no mercy, even to his kind. 


Minho and Jisung turned their attention to the guard that was standing a few feet from them. 

"I'm deeply sorry to ruin this beloved moment, Your Higness and Luna, but the king asked for both of your presence in the throne room." The guard smirked happily, knowing that he made the prince mad. 

"Thank you, Changbin." Minho spit out his name like it was poison. 

"Of course, Your Royal Butt." Changbin but his lip to stop laughing.  Minho sighed. This was Seo Changbin's attitude. Making people pissed off. 

"I swear i will kill you." Minho looked at him dead in the eye and lightly pulled Jisung along with him  as he walked down the hall. 

"I look forward to it, Prince Charming." Changbin chuckles's echoed.

Jisung wanted to laugh. The guard was certainly playful. He looked up at Minho and saw him frowning. 

The prince is surely sulking. Like a cat without it's owner.

Jisung smiled at the thought. He lifted his hand and patted the prince's soft hair. Minho paused. He looked at Jisung, who was trying to avoid Minho's intense gaze. He continued to pat the soft, fluffy hair. Minho leaned into the soft hands of his mate. 

When Jisung saw that the prince wasn't frowning anymore, he stopped. He pulled his hand back but Minho grabbed him by the wrist softly. He kissed the palm of his hand and looked back at his mate. Jisung blushed profusely.  Minho chuckled at how easily the younger was flustered. 

"Would you like more kisses, dear mate?" Jisung shook his head quickly. Minho chuckled.

"May i have more headpats, please?" Jisung thought it over.

"Y-yes. After." Jisung turned around and looked away. He didn't want the prince tos see his blushing face. 

"Alright. Let's get this for with then." 

Minho opened the wide doors to the throne room. They walked, hand in hand, up to the two large thrones. Minho bowed to both the king and queen. Jisung followed suit. 

"This must be my beautiful son-in-law, right Minho?" The queen cooed. She had black hair, as dark as night. Her black eyes were cold but soft at the same time. Her pale complexion made her  look more ethereal. Her lips were tinted a bold red and her smile was charming. Her features were soft but elegant.

Minho must've gotten most of his genes from her. Especially her smile.

"Yes, it is, mother."

"What's his name?" The king had a deep voice. His hair was a light shade of brown and his eyes  were like Minho's, coffee brown. He had tanner skin than the queen and his lips were pink, instead of red. He had sharp features, like a fox. 

"Han Jisung, father."

"Don't you mean Lee Jisung?" The queen clapped her hands together. Jisung was already red due to the intertwined hands. But he got more red when the queen said this. 

"Of course, mother." Minho had a straight face on the whole time but after this comment he smiled lightly. The king and queen took notice and smiled at each other. 

This boy was doing wonders to Minho.

"Oh by the way, you cousin is here along with his boyfriend." Minho's light up slightly. Besides Jisung, His cousin was the next closest person to him. 

"Really, Where is he?" 


"Right here!"

Minho and Jisung turned to see a mop of blond, curly hair and bunny smile on his face. Another man was standing next to him with fox like features. He smiled at the happy face of his mate.



I love txt so i added them in. I'm also adding bts in. Yay! Also, S Class? Topline? They devoured. They slayed. They are simply amazing. 

Author:) out

All for me Minsung :)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ