Chapter 5

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The smell that the omega was emitting was intense. It filled the house that Minho had found a couple years ago in the woods. It was his secret hideout. The other three left with the three boys and went to their own house. They agreed that they would find a solution to whatever they would do with them. Not that none of them knew what happened. Minho entered the house and set the boy on the couch. The boy was still sleeping but he twitched every so often. Minho inhaled the scent. 

Strong but sweet.

Minho decided to cook something for the boy if he woke up. While Minho was in the kitchen, Jisung woke up and groaned quietly. He looked around and saw an unfamiliar room. He sniffed the air to know if they were around. 


But a familiar smell entered his nose. It smelled nice and fresh, like he smelled this scent before. 


His wolf yipped happily. Jisung knew it was the handsome man he had met 9 months ago. He smiled happily but it soon turned into a frown when a pian struck his lower body. He heard footsteps and saw a pair of legs in front of him.

"So, you!re awake?" The deep, melodic voice soothed the pain. Jisung looked up and saw a face he never thought he would see again. His features were still sharp as ever. His red eyes still were bold. 


An awakes silence filled the room.

"I understand you're in your heat, right?"



It was soon broken when Jisung whimpered. His ears flopped down and his tailed curled around his small body. He looked up and saw Minho scrunching his face. But nit in disgust. Like he was trying to control himself. Jisung realize his scent was really strong so he tried to shut off his pheromones. But he whimpered again in pain and clutch his stomach. Minho slowly kneeled down to his eye level and lean closer. 

"I can help you if you like?" 

Jisung froze. Even though this handsome man was his mate, he didn't know a thing about him. But the pain was unbearable. But he could try to hold it in, right?


A sharp pain zapped through his body. He whimpered loudly and slick ran down his pants. 

(Slick is the substance that omegas produce when they are in their heat.)

Minho shut his eyes, determined not to let his wolf take over. His wolf growled, saying that he wanted to devour and eat this boy up. ( Not literally )


Minho turned towards Jisung.

"What did you say?"

"I s-said yes! Help me!" He whimpered more loudly and his tail wrapped tighter around him. Minho nodded and scooped him up. Jisung felt a sudden warmth rush through his body and all he wanted to do was snuggle up closer and sleep. But the pain was too much. They reached the bedroom and Minho set him on the bed gently. 

"Are you sure?"


Minho nodded. He climbed on top of Jisung and sniffed his neck. 


He bit it gently and licked around the bite. Jisung whimpered softly. Minho decorated his neck with love bites and licks. He licked the area where you would mark your mate. He sniffed it and licked again. Jisung shifted. Slick was produced more and more. Minho slowly took off Jisung's shirt and bit and his body. He licked again and bit over and over again. Jisung felt like he was going to die. He needed more. 

A lot more.


Double update. Sorry if this is cringe. This is my first time 😳

Author :) out

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