Chapter I . Murders

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Narrator POV

A pair of ancient, gnarled hands writing a message on a small parchment scroll. The old man tightly rolls the scroll, binds it with a black ribbon, and ties it with a leather strip to the leg of a black raven.

The old man lifts the raven off his desk; it flaps its dark wings and flies out of the open chamber window. The raven flies away from Castle Black, a large and ancient fortress dwarfed by what lies behind it: the Wall.

Older than history, this is the 800-foot-high barrier of ice and stone that guards the northern edge of the Seven Kingdoms.

As the raven gains altitude, the landscape below it transforms into a map of Westeros.

The Wall is revealed to cross the entire continent, a boundary between the Haunted Forest to the north and the civilized lands to the south.

The raven flies south over the map, on which the cities,'.regions and features of the land are named: Winterfell, the Kingsroad, Moat Cailin, the Riverlands, the Vale of Arryn.

Occasionally the bird dips down, and the map resolves back into reality for just long enough to give us a view of some points of interest: Winterfell's old stone towers, full of cold beauty. The foreboding Eyrie castle high atop the Vale of Arryn, a feat of montane architecture that would have been impossible for medieval engineers.

When the raven reaches King's Landing, the map resolves back into reality as the bird drops down into the dirty sprawl of the capital.

The raven flies through the open gates of the Red Keep, a massive compound with walls the color of fresh-spilled blood.

The bird flies through an open window into the throne room, to land on the Iron Throne itself-- a throne built from the hammered swords of a thousand defeated enemies.

The raven pecks at its wings, cleaning itself after the long journey, alone in the empty throne room.

Raya POV

The Great Keep is the innermost castle and stronghold of the castle complex. It was built over natural hot springs to keep it warm. The Great Keep contains bedchambers for House Stark as well as the solar of Lord Eddard Stark. 

The building is connected to the armory by a covered bridge. From a window on the covered bridge, one can see the entire yard. Beneath the Great Keep are cellars with narrow windows.

I walk into the castle heading to the roof, climbing the stairs quietly trying not to get any attention to me.

I found Jory waiting for me, Jory Cassel is a member of House Cassel and the captain of the household guard at Winterfell for House Stark.

Jory has a wry smile, which he often shows to Arya Stark and me, and he jokes while eating in the Great Hall of Winterfell and I get annoyed by it.

Sansa Stark thinks he is less handsome than Alyn. The captain is a skilled warrior and a confidante of Lord Eddard Stark. Jory's armor includes mail and an unadorned blue-grey plate. He wears a thin cloak and wields a sword.

Jory turns to me annoyed "Where have you been?"

I shrug "Sleeping"

Jory acts like me "Sleeping" I approach him "Do not you feel anything you just killed the man?"

I Hush him "Shshsh, do you want to tell everyone" I look at the sun that starts to rise "He deserved death"

I Hush him "Shshsh, do you want to tell everyone" I look at the sun that starts to rise "He deserved death"

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