Chapter VIII. The Plan

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Raya POV

Jaime stares at me as the moonlight on my face, fuck we just kissed, gods we melt kissing.

He says while we take our breath from the kiss "Yes, Fuck. Raya, What are you doing here?"

I stare into his eyes for the last time before running down the stairs.

Jaime runs after me "Raya" I run outside the first keep "Raya" he catches me by the arm "Raya" I nervously look at him "Raya, stop. What were you doing here?"

I gather my courage "Actually, what were you doing up here?" I shrug "Why did you grab me and kiss me?" Jaime looks around the place is dark only moonlight "Is there someone you were waiting for here? This is an abandoned place"

Jaime lost in his thoughts "No, why did you kiss me back if you are so angry now, and what were you doing alone?"

I cross my arms to my chest "Why you kissed me??"

"You aware you are asking too much"

I look around hoping Robb doesn't show up now "I know but why did you kiss me?" I harshly "Answer me"

Jaime sighs "You own me a week to do anything I want"

I stare at him "I___"

Jaime POV

I cut Raya "I said everything and you said yes"

Of course, I lied how could I save myself from this bad situation?

Raya looks at me unbelieve what I'm saying. She is smart, I just need to find something to fix this I hope Cersei does not show up now and late more

Raya POV

I scoff "Anyway, do not ever think to kiss me again, we said doing for you something not taste each other lips"

Jaime with his lazy grin "You did not like it"

I look at him up and down "Not polite"

I walk past him and he grabs me by the arm and kisses me again. I try to free myself but he holds my arms with one hand.

What we can say is all the rumors and stories are true the strongest man in the seven kingdoms but I could not fight him more...

I gave up and kissed him back, I don't know why. But I hate myself at the same time, this is a betrayal of Robb.

I don't know why my heart is racing and adrenaline rushing through my veins, there is a thrill when my lips meet his lips.

Jaime takes his breath and rests his forehead on mine, our eyes meet but his eyes are different not the same bold eyes but softness I had never seen before.

We look at each other for a moment, and then I slap him in the face "Do not kiss me again!!" I run inside the castle.

Jaime POV

I touch my face where she slapped me and smile at myself, Why I kissed her again? I am acting not like myself, what is wrong with me?

Ceresi walks to me "Why are you smiling at yourself?"

I turn to her "Remember something, where have you been all of that?"

"Trying not to be shown to the guards"

"Okay, come before someone sees us"

Raya POV

I run inside the castle but hit Robb "Aye, Robb"

Robb holds me not to fall "Raya, look where you walk, are not we must meet at the first keep"

"I do not want to be there"

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