Chapter II . Direwolves

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Hillside, Bran rides with his brothers and me, his hard-working pony trying to keep up with the bigger horses. 

Jon to me and Robb "I thought he was brave."

Robb says "Brave? He was dead of fear. You could see it in his eyes."

"What would be in your eyes with your head on the stump? He died well. Give him that much."

I say "Do not be hard on the boy, cousins, he is still young and trying to gather himself"

Robb considers the point for a moment and shrugs, already losing interest in the subject "Race you to the bridge?"

Jon rolls his eyes as if he's beyond such juvenile games-- then, without warning, he spurs his horse and gains a good head start.

I spur my horse and hurry after him "Cheater!!" 

Robb curses and follows. we gallop off down the trail, Robb laughing and hooting, Jon silent. Bran's pony can't compete in that race, so he follows slowly behind, craning his neck to see if he can spot the winner.

We run further but stop as we see a horrible scene, The Winterfell men gather on the bridge we see a ravaged deer before us.

Jon turns around to Ned and Bran interrupts them with the sound of hooves; Jon reappears on the crest of the hill before them, waving urgently "Over here!"


Ned's party reaches the riverbank. Jon has dismounted beside Robb and me, who cradles something in his arm. Bran and Ned stay back with the rest of their party as Jory and Theon approach the older boys.

Jon wonders "What is it?"

Theon is trying his best "Mountain lion?"

When he sees what lies on the ground beside Robb and me, Theon curses and pulls his horse away. 

Jory does the same and yells to the boys "Get away from it!"

Burning with curiosity, Bran spurs his pony to keep up with Ned as they approach the others, who are all dismounting.

Ned says "There are no mountain lions in these woods."

With swords out, they begin to search. Ned finds a dead dire wolf with antlers through her throat. Her sixth pups are whimpering around her.

I rub the fur "Poor you"

Robb says "She can't hurt you. She's dead."

Bran finally gets close enough to see. The dead wolf is impossibly huge, bigger than Bran's pony. Its blind eyes crawling with maggots.

Theon says "It's a freak."

Ned kneels beside the wolf  "It's a direwolf" Ned and Jory glance at each other "Tough old beast" He pulls out the antlers.

Groping under the beast's head, he gives a yank and comes up with a foot of shattered antler, slick with half-dried blood.

Robb says "There are no direwolves south of the Wall."

I correct him "There hasn't been a dire wolf south of the Wall for two hundred years."

Jon looks at the bundle beneath Robb's arm and grins "Well ... now there are six."

When Bran sees what everyone is staring at his eyes widen. He moves in to get a closer look at the dire wolf pup-- a tiny ball of gray-black fur, eyes still closed, nuzzling blindly against Robb's chest, whimpering.

Jory yank my arm "Tough old beast, wasn't she?"

I grin at him "Trying to say something"

Birthing a litter with an antler in her throat.

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