Kiibo's memory sorting

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Ok so this is heavily inspired by the next gen scene where he is deleting some of his memories to make space for stuff


    Kiibo shut the door to his dorm and slowly trudged towards his bed. He's not even sure why he has one since it hasn't ever been used. He can only assume it's to make fun of his incapability to sleep.

    He scoffs at the possibility and lays on the useless blanket. His legs hanging off the sides. The traffic of thoughts in his head prevents him from relaxing. The previous events only adding to the stress and the pile of problems he's thinking of.

    He has way too many things going on in his head. Starting with his inner voice constantly flooding his mind to the loss of his friends sinking into his emotions. The killing game in general is a huge factor to stress and what had just happened in the previous moments isn't helping.

    Their fifth trial. Kiibo groaned at the reminder. This trial resulted in the loss of two more ultimates and marked the point where eleven were now gone.

All of these things only getting worse and worse are clogging his capacity and are staggering his ability to function healthily.

Those reasons are what drove him to the option of finally clearing his storage. He was gonna have to do it at some point but he didn't expect to need to do it so soon. He needed to do something before he physically couldn't take anymore.

Kiibo sighed as he pressed a few buttons on his armor. His eyes light up from the bright screens that float above him. They each glow brightly in the dark room. Their glow casting a layering blue tint over Kiibo's whole body.

    Kiibo goes straight to his memory bank and finds them all organized in different sections. Despite them all being organized, his storage still feels messy.. Like a car crash has just took place and then a tornado came to make things worse. Then another car crash came just to finish the job.

    Some sections were designated for certain people and some were for 'chapters'. Kiibo isn't really sure what a chapter really means but apparently his inner voice does. There were many categories for all of the sections. Categories for all of the memories from the flashback lights or for memories that made him sad or happy. They vary by a lot. But at the moment, he had to decide which memories to delete to restore some storage.

    "Which ones should I get rid of.." Kiibo mutters to himself, scrolling through the big screen infront of him.

    His inner voice shouts out suggestions such as 'delete the free time events' or 'delete chapter two! That one was weird.'. Some were even targeted towards people like 'delete Kaito memories! I hated him!' Which he really didn't, so he doesn't understand why his inner voice says such things.

    However, Kiibo ignores them and goes straight to a group labeled 'Kokichi Ouma'. Once he selects that one, a spree of complaints from his inner voice rushes through Kiibo's head.

    Kiibo.. was never fond of Ouma. In fact, he's pretty sure Ouma felt the same about him, if not worse. Kiibo selected his section in hopes to delete a majority of the bad memories. If Kiibo could delete him entirely he would. But considering the fact that the others would be confused how he completely forgot an entire human being existed, he held back.

    "I guess I should start from the beginning.." Kiibo says to no one in particular. He raises his hand to the first memory and watches it play. His inner voice adding it's own commentary throughout the whole thing.

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