Jordan Fish (Bring Me The Horizon)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, that's the plan" I nod my head once.

"And what if she's acts like a major bitch towards you? Which she most likely will... Just letting you know."

"Then I'll just have to kill her with kindness" I smile.

"Well I can't wait until you tell me what happens with you today after school. Hopefully she's not too much of a bitch towards you" Oli lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see how everything goes" I say right before the bell rings, signaling that it's the end of lunch already.

"Just text or call me after school yeah? I want to know everything that happens" Oli says as we get up to throw our trash away.

"Don't worry Sykes, you'll be the first one to know" I pat his back while we exit out of the cafeteria.

"I better fucking be. Anyways, I wish you good luck dude. Hope all goes well" Oli grins at me before we part ways in the school hallway.

I make my way upstairs to my calculus classroom and try my best to calm the nerves down that are already building up inside of me. Once I reach the room, I take in a deep breath and let it out before going inside.

I look around the room and immediately spot Emma sitting in her seat already as she types away on her phone. She usually has her friend Lyndsey around with her, but I guess Lyndsey isn't here today.

I force myself to take my eyes off of her and make my way to my seat and sit down. A few minutes later the bell rings again for the start of sixth period. Our calculus teacher starts to explain our lesson for the day before she passes out a worksheet for us to do. Luckily she's letting us work on this paper with a partner... What better way to start talking to Emma?

I look her way and notice she's already struggling on the worksheet we just got. I get up from my seat and decide that nows the time for me to make my move on her. I slowly walk over to Emma and sit down in the desk that's to the left of her. She immediately notices my presence and looks up from her paper to give me a quick glance.

"Umm, may I help you?" She asks me with a little attitude laced in her voice.

"Well I um was actually wondering if I could maybe help you. You seem like your having a hard time on this worksheet. I can help you if ya want" I tell her while trying my best not to sound nervous or anything.

"Do I even know you?" Emma narrows her eyes at me, completely ignoring my offering I just made.

"Well I sure hope so... I've been having classes with you ever since freshman year."

"Oh really? I've never seen you before" Emma says while examining her perfectly manicured nails, acting as if she doesn't care.

"Oh come on. Don't lie to me now Emma" I say to her.

"Lie to you about what?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"About you not knowing me or about how you've never seen me before" I explain while moving a little closer towards her.

"Well I haven't" she shrugs her shoulders.

"That's a damn lie and you fucking know it. I've seen you looking at me multiple times before in class" I snap since I'm already getting annoyed with her I don't care about anything act.

"Just because I've looked at you before doesn't mean anything Jordan!" Emma snaps back but I can't help but smile widely. She just said my name. She fucking knows my name! I fucking knew it!

"Why the hell are you smiling like a fucking idiot?" Emma raises her eyebrows.

"Because you just said my name... I haven't even told you my name yet. So it's pretty obvious now that you know who I am. You've been knowing who I am this whole time huh?" I question her.

"Well I have been going to school with you for our whole high school lives..." She looks away from me.

"Is there another reason why you know my name? Or why you keep looking at me from time to time whenever you think I'm not paying attention?" I ask with full curiosity.


"Yes there is. I know there is Emma. Your just scared to tell me, I can tell."

"And so what? I don't have to tell you anything."

"Well would it help if I said that there was something that I've been wanting to tell you, but I've just been too scared to tell you?".

"And what's that?" Emma looks back over at me.

"If I tell you, will you tell me what you have on your mind?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes.

"Sure, why not" she lets out a loud sigh.

"Alright, well, let's just say that I've been having a massive crush on you ever since the beginning of freshman year. A lot of people around school say your a bitch, but I've never believed them to be honest. I know your just hiding your true self to everyone, I just don't know why though. I'm hoping maybe you'll tell me why one day" I explain to her, instantly feeling better now that I've let all of that out.

"You like me?" Emma asks with pure shock written all across her face.

"Yes, but is that all you got out of everything I just said?" I can't help but chuckle.

"No... I heard everything you said. And yes, your right about me hiding my true self" she says quietly.

"I knew it. So, are you gunna tell me what you have to say now?".

"Umm.... I've liked you for a while now also..." Emma admits as her cheeks turn bright red.

"What? No fucking way... Are you being serious right now?" I ask as I feel my heart start to beat faster.

I can't fucking believe this...

"Yes, I'm being one hundred percent serious with you Jordan fish" Emma lets out a small nervous laugh.

"You have no idea how freaking happy I am right now" I tell her with the biggest smile on my face.

"Me too Jordan. Me too" Emma smiles back at me.

Well I sure can't fucking wait to tell Oli everything that just happened!

(Warped Tour is starting very soon! I'm so excited! I can't wait till I get to go at the end of month! What about you guys?😇).

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