Summertime Solace

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After what seemed like an age, UN was joined by the five nations requested in his mother's will. They talked quickly and urgently, barely acknowledging his presence, but their nervous chatter seemed distant and muffled, as if Union was underwater, watching from miles away. He stared down at his feet, questions and troubled thoughts flooding his already submerged senses, pulling him further and further from reality and into a world of fear and grief.

"Look at him! Seventeen is too young for that kind of responsibility!"

"He'll be fine! I became a nation at thirteen, seventeen is fine!"

"To control an entire planet? America, that's insane!"

"And, both of you, what about the grief? The child just lost his mother, mon dieu*, be sensitive!"

"...It's ok, France... I'll be fine..." UN muttered, finally glancing up at the nations before him.

"Are you sure, cheri*?"


"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" America yelled, cutting everyone else off. "We need a new global agreement, before the Sov-"

"America, I think you overestimate how much I care about you. It's you fear that will cause any war with me, you know that. Don't bring ideology in to this, especially after such a serious... traumatic event." USSR scoffed, glaring down at the country before him.

"Liar! It's not my fault you're a Com-"

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT BEING SENSITIVE?!" France screamed, warranting hurried apologies from both nations. "I say we let UN decide if he's ready to become an organisation. It's his role, is it not?"

Silence spoke louder than words at that moment, the five nations glancing at each other, waiting expectantly for Union's answer.

He too had no idea what to do. The world needed him, yet he had so little experience. Sure, he could fill out forms and manage the Big Five in practice, but the whole world...?

"I...Well..." he stammered, unsure of exactly what he was about to say, "I-I can do it... if you need... I mean, I'm not great, but... I'll try..."

"Then that's settled!" USA declared. "I'll call a global meeting for two days' time. I'd write a speech if I were you, UN, it's kinda scary up there on stage, you don't want of forget what you're sayin'!" UN nodded, head swimming as Ame waltzed out of the door, followed by UK and France, who both gave him a hug and muttered a 'good luck' to him as they passed.

"I suppose I ought to go too, comrade. My condolences, friend." With that USSR exited alongside the other three.

UN stared after him, considering the conversation before. USA and USSR; opposites at loggerheads, historically a bad omen, especially since the invention of nuclear power. The real question was if there was any hope of salvaging their friendship. Surely, after the atrocities of World War Two-

"They won't go to war. They're too scared of each other." China remarked bluntly, not breaking his gaze from the window beside the door. Union jumped slightly, shaken by the abrupt answer from such a quiet nation to his internal queries: internal queries.

"How did you kn- China? Where-"

The cavernous door now swung on its hinges, creaking painfully, despite the breeze outside being almost non-existent. Question once again answered, UN pondered the unspeaking country's apparent telepathy. Were his thoughts that obvious? Why didn't China back up USSR earlier? Why did China leave so suddenly?

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, UN himself swung open the door, gulping in the fresh Spring air. It was a beautiful day, with candy-floss* clouds, dew-coated blades of grass and daisies gently swaying in the wind.

League of Nations loved daisies; she had always said they reminded her of angels and of the world's beauty. The pair used to thread them together, creating crowns for each other and laughing when they collapsed and showered them in gorgeously scented petals.

"The snow of Spring," she called it, squeezing her son's shoulder and ruffling his hair. He always laughed at this, hugging his mother close and throwing the flowers over both of their heads, delighted by 'Spring's snow'.

They were warm hugs, loving hugs, safe, comfortable hugs that felt like they would last forever...

But they were gone.

Candy floss = cotton candy

Mon dieu = my god

Cheri = dear (masculine)

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