Kakucho then look at Mikey in confusion but then signed. 

'It's not like he was going to kill her right? It's been the 100th time he did this but he did that to kill Miss Rika.' Kakucho thought as he handed Mikey his gun.

But boy how he is wrong at that optimistic thought.

Mikey cocks the gun and aimed it at Rika, Rika just look at him as if she was mocking him. Mikey then squints his eyes and then smiles making Rika back off a little same as the other Bonten executives. Two things for sure, when Mikey smiles it's either because of or about his daughter and wife or if he is really annoyed to the point that he wants to kill someone.

Mikey then pulled the trigger earning a yelp from the woman. 




Everyone yelps different words as they are shocked that he did pull the trigger. They could see blood from Rika's shoulder staining the carpet.

"Oh no!" Kokonoi said as he look at the crime scene. The look of being worried could be seen on his face.

"Wow, thank God someone's worried for me. Don't worry it's just a graze--" Rika said but then immediately interrupted by Koko.

"My million-dollar carpet!" Kokonoi dramatically shouted as he falls from his knee.



After the short but dramatic shenanigans of Koko, Kakucho then calls for their in-house doctor to help the poor woman.

"Told 'ya, he's not worried about the woman but his to his expensive but shitty carpet," Ran said as he exchanged snickers with his brother as he look at the woman who was being wrapped up by their doctor. "Sanzu will laugh if he saw this." He said as he took a picture of Rika and send it to the pink-haired man.

He then immediately got a reply from the said man and when he read it, he could not help but laugh out loud.

"What did that bastard say?" Rin asked out of curiosity but Ran just laugh at him and immediately read the message. "He said 'Did Mikey miss? A shame. If it's me, I'll never miss.'" Then Ran laughed again. 

Hearing this, Rika got annoyed. She then stands up and grabs Ran's phone. He then press the voice message and said, "Still stuck in friend-zoned? A shame. If it's me, I'll do everything to make her mine." Then she presses end and handed the phone back to Ran.

Ran and Rindou just look at the woman in shock. They then look at each other, Ran with a mischievous smile on his face and Rin shaking his head in amusement.

"Sanzu's either find that insulting or encouraging," Rin said.

"I think it's the latter, knowing how that druggie's mind work." Ran said as he laugh evilly imagining the future possible scenarios to come. 



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