Chapter 9 Argument

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Aden was playing with Paul and Quil of who is the best at attacking between each other. Sam and Emily were watching and Aden for he was interested to watch to see who was at the best between Paul and Quil. At first Paul attacks Quil as always rushing into a fight without thinking but sometimes that's a good thing between them.  Quil quickly got a hold of Paul in the ground. I won the fight Paul. Said Quil through there mind then Paul quickly turns the tables as he makes Quil give up the fight. When will you learn Quil? Said Paul as they both walked towards the side and watch Sam and Aden were ready to fight. Emily was watching from the cabin for she knows that Sam won't be happy with himself if he accidentally harmed her or worst Aden accidentally harming her. Aden might be the only cold blood to be able to in their territory but there are few rules that Aden still has to follow.  Are you ready brother. Ask Sam Uley as he was prepare for a fight. Ready brother for I won't back back down. Said Aden as they both started to rush forward and started to fight. Emily, Quil and paul were trying to guess who would win between two alpha's wolf. I'm betting on Sam to win the fight. Said Quil as he started to take change out of his wolf form and started to walk towards Emily who was making sure there phones and wallet were safe from getting ruined. I bet on Aden for he was always stronger then any of us even protected our ancestors! Said Paul making Emily and Quil along with Sam and  Aden to register what Paul just had said out loud. Paul realizing what he accidentally said quickly started to find reason to what he meant. No that's not what I meant to say! Said Paul trying to explain himself. I mean Aden did save our ancestors from the cold blooded vampires. Said Paul making Quil to hit Paul on his wolf head. Dude what you just said was a sentence that hurt Aden more then anything! Yelled Quil with sadness. I think I should leave for my family would arrive or they are going to worried about me. Said Aden quickly rush to Emily giving her a lick in her hand and in return get pet on his head. Aden then rush home thinking to himself how easy it's was living with his family and his one brother thought Aden to himself as he remembered the time when the chief son and Aden were down on the river as they were in the forest. Ohi how does it feel to drink blood from a rabbit? Ask the chief son as he bathe in the water. Aden didn't know how to respond to that but he try's his best to explain. Well first of all we don't suck blood from our fangs. Said Ohi as he spots the rabbit curious. The rabbit looks around and Ohi quickly jumps towards the Rabbit and kills it. I simply make a puncture with my both of  my fangs and simply lick it with my tong while my fang still in the same place where I slowly drain my prey out of blood. Explain Ohi to his calm brother as he observes the dead Rabbit in Ohi's hand. In your wolf form do you still do the same or it's different? Ask Chief Son with curious. That one you will have to figure that one out for yourself brother. Said Ohi as they spend there time learning from each other but one question was ask that day who were his parents and why wasn't he was with them and most importantly how did he found himself running from the soldiers who were trying to kill them? Ohi was so confuse along with his brother that day as they simply didn't have the answers. Aden quickly felt pain in his head realizing that he was getting distracted by his thoughts. No wonder Mom and Dad said they don't want me to drive even though I'm older then them. Said Aden as he quickly run towards his home and change back to his normal self but as Aden was going to open the door. Emmett open it which made Aden look at him with a guilty look.  That night Aden  had to deal with his guilt. Aden you should've answer your phone! Scolded Esme with worried that Aden hated so much but couldn't hold it against her knowing that she lost so much in her life. Sorry mom I just had so much fun and totally forgot about my phone. Said Aden sarcastic towards there over protective mode. You should be Aden for we were nervous and we got you a phone so we could feel at ease that your fine and safe for we don't want to repeat about what happened! Said Carlisle with a stern voice towards Aden which was a wrong term for Carlisle. Honestly I'm not your son Carlisle and that's was in the past I'm stronger now! Yelled Aden making Edward and Rosalie along with Edward shocked as they were hearing from upstairs but what worst was they all heard a slap sound. Esme was stun by the action that Carlisle had taken. Your here Lad because we are trying to make your life better by protecting you from them! Said Carlisle using his accent as he holds Aden shirt. Then I was better off if they kill me just like they did to my family! Yelled Aden using his adult voice for he was older than them. Don't ever forget LAD the reason your alive because they did everything to get you far from your killers that were going to kill you because Your a Half BREED THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST! Yelled Carlisle with his eyes turning red to show he is anger towards Aden but then realizing he had accuse Aden of being a Half Breed that shouldn't allowed to walk the earth or being turn into one. Aden just backed away from Carlisle as he stunt that he was to blame for the death of his brother and he started to break down into crying. Esme got up from the couch and walk towards Aden to comfort Aden as he started to break down into tears. Emmett and the others didn't know what to do for they didn't know what happened until they heard a slap and Aden Crying. Carlisle action had lead him to say things to Aden out of nowhere for he promise himself he wouldn't be like his Father who forced him to be just like him a man without thinking. Carlisle thought about his father telling him action is important to prove yourself and his father always was there to see Carlisle how he deal with the wicked. Aden was something different when he was asked to end him for them. That night he was only facing a Half Breed a lad who had nothing until he had taken him home to protect Aden. Now Carlisle have to face his guilt by hurting his son who wasn't asked to be in a position where he should've had never fled his home that he new but sadly Carlisle need to fix the bond that his action cause.

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