Chapter 4 Lunch

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Now Aden you in your age should understand that being late to school means trouble. Said The principal towards Aden. That's not fair they started by spreading rumors first! Cry Aden who was already struggling to hide his concerns. You should know that it's normal for your age to be concerned about the rumors but we all should know never to listen to them. Said The principal as he takes out a slip. Sadly your after school activities was to be taken away from your behavior that you had shown today but you will have after school detention. Said The principal as he gives Aden the slip for detention. Sorry for the inconvenience. Said Aden walking away  while holding tightly on the strap of his camera bag badly as he was disappointed for he really wanted to join Choir but it seems he had to live with the consequences. Quil and Paul were at the cafeteria with there food tray waiting for Aden to show up. Why couldn't anyone just shut up about Aden? Ask Quil not very happy that Aden is having difficult time being in a High School for the first day of school which ended badly. Paul was more focus on Aden walking through the door. Paul cheer up man for do you think if Aden was having a break down do you think Sam would've been here? Said Quil as he eats his apple. That's why he's not going to know about it. Said Aden spooking Quil into screaming a little girl. Don't do that Aden keep forgetting that your a half breed which is a issue for us! Said Quil as he hugs Aden. Paul quickly gets up and hugs Aden giving him pats on the back while letting go of him. Glad to see your doing better now. Said Paul as they sit down the chairs. Will I did felt better after i realized what I'am good at. Said Aden taking out his camera out of the bag showing Paul and Quil and sees a photo of the flowers garden that they had outside. Aiden your good at taking pictures. Comment Paul and Quil at the same time until whispers started again but this time Bella was being told who were the Cullens. Honestly Aden your the only one who seems to have a different mindset than your siblings. Said Paul who started to tease Aden who wants to be alone. First of all I'm a half breed that is way older then all of you guys. Said Aden as he starts eating his lunch that his mother made that was a sandwich with a ham and a water bottle. So your a grandpa now. Said Paul while laughing getting punch from Aden in the arm which Quil started to laugh as he watches Paul gets punch from Aden. What about them they seem nice? Ask Bella as she watches Quil taking the camera taking a picture of Aden and Paul which made them to stop punching each other and started punching Quil. Oh those guys are from Sam Uley Cult. Said Eric as he explains to Bella. A Cult like witchcraft or something? Ask Bella with concern as she started to find more reasons to hate Aden even more. They said that Aden Cullen is the youngest child in his family. Said Mike towards Bella. No way Aden has a classic camera. Yelled Angela as she sees Aden taking a picture of Paul and Quil sitting on the table eating there lunch as they don't look at the camera. Not fair a Cullen has a old classic Camera. Complain Angela who started to feel jealous of Aden's camera. Just a camera nothing to worry about Angela. Said Jessica until the bell rings signaling that it's was time for the last class of the day. Can't wait to get out of here early. Said Mike as they walked out of the cafeteria. Man Aden your the best of taking pictures of us. Said Paul as he focus of how they look good without the color of a normal camera. Can't believe of all things you have to take photos with only Black and White filter. Said Quil as he looks at the picture. Have to keep it original because it's reminds me how much I mess when I was. Aden stopped in med sentence as he couldn't remember anything only the trauma he had to witness. Making me not happy if you are not ohi. Said Sam as he makes Aden thoughts to disappear and makes Aden to put a surprise smile. Using my old native name for I'am a English Man. Said Aden still remembering for he was taken in by the tribe as they had to name him for he was no longer in a place of a young English man but in a place where he was safe from danger and by the years he was to be known as Ohi for he was a first cold one to set foot on the lands of the tribe. Suits you brother for I haven't had known one cold one that never else can. Said Sam hugging Aden for he doesn't want to lose Aden towards them for he had made a imprint on him as a brother but they all do want him as a lover but sadly Aden had choose them as friends and brothers. Keep Aden focus on himself not on anyone else. Said Sam towards Paul and Quil in there mind. We will Sam. Responded Paul. Man can't wait to get this day over with. Said Quil back towards Sam. Can you let go now for I'm going to be late for Photography class today. Said Aden making Sam to let his arms to left go of the hugs. Promise me that you could be able to visit us in Emily place for she wants to see you. Said Sam as he puts a hand on Aden's shoulder. I will but first I have to deal with a Detention and someone from my family will pick me up. Said Sam for he knows detention was supposed be choir that he was supposed to do after school. Whatever you did Aden your parents would understand and so would I. Said Sam as he walks away towards the exit making some kids to stare only for Sam to use his strict voice to make them quickly walk away from him faster. Can't understand why don't you love us? Ask Quil with curious in his voice. Want to keep it to myself for now. Said Aden as he takes his camera back from Quil as he walks towards his Photography class with Quil and Paul still asking why the filter of the photo he had taken during lunch.

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