Chapter 8 The Wolf Pack

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Edward and Aden were doing the chores until it's was time to relax with one and another.  Edward it's alright that I could go to Emily's house? Ask Aden for he felt like he needed to go for a walk for in the past he was always in the forest hunting for rabbits. Edward lets out a sigh for he wasn't allowed to cross the Wolf Territory because of the treaty. Aden no for I'm responsible for you but I'm not the one who wouldn't stop you for that's why we move here to be wild. Said Edward as he gets up and gives Aden the flip phone. Remember call me when your there and please don't drop the phone. Aden grabs the flip phone from Edward's hand and decided to run towards his room grabbing his necklace from upstairs to show that he is part of the Cullens that he added to his old necklace never forgetting what he did and he decided to start writing names from the past but never forgetting the one who betrayed them. Aden grabs the red pen and writes on the bottom of the name writing Vori but sadly can't remember only that he heard from the one he was showing mercy before he sucked on the blood before the sickness had spread over the vampire. Aden if your going to go to Emily house better go now. Said Edward seeing Aden in his wolf form running towards the door only to bark like a real dog. Calm down Second Alpha for I know you are going to get spoiled by Emily. Said Edward opening the door and Aden was off to the forest. Now i have to do the second chores of the day. Said Edward walking towards his messy room. Aden was running full speed until he caught Sam his brother of the tribe running towards him meaning a playful fight between brothers would break out between them. Your not welcome English Man! Yelled Adam Uley with seriousness towards Aden. Bring it on Old Wolf Man. Said Aden as he stare at Sam Uley while Sam Stares right at Aden which lead to one of them laughing. Glad your visiting us for Emily was making your favorite meal of the day. Said Sam as they run towards the cabin. Glad to be here brother for the longest time I wish that I could've done more for the tribe to be able to save there life. Said Aden as he remembers the cold ones did attack the village only 5  were able to escape but sadly the cold had came to attack the young one as the fever had taken the youngest survivor to the hands of the ancestors. Aden had decided to try his best to save the others as they rest in a small town of London but didn't realize that he was the one that brought them down in the end.  Aden your okay. Said Sam as he holds Aden head.  What Happened? Ask Paul with worried. Aden just had trouble breathing all of a sudden. Said Sam as he checks on Aden who started to stand up very fast which lead him to have a headache. Are you alright Aden? Ask Quil with worried  as he sees Aden trying to be his normal self. Let's just go to Emily house for I can't wait for the food. Said Aden running off as the others wanted to question Aden but understood that Aden might not want to talk about it with them. Emily was a humming a song while she putting the food in the table for the pack while the one plate with the Rabbit was to not to be cooked. Then all of a sudden Quil and Paul along with Sam were already waiting for the food while Aden walk in his wolf Form for he has been hungry for the Rabbit. Aden nice to see you again today brother. Said Emily grabbing the dead Rabbit and holds it for Aden to take it from her for she could pet him with respect and honor.  Aden love his wolf family for they reminded him that he has a second chance to defend it with pride. Sam and the others were happy to see Aden having his best time to hangout with them and have his mind occupied from the rough time from yesterday.

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