Chapter 5 Edward's Blood Singer

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Aden was sitting in the back of the detention room with his backpack that he had to get from the locker room for he didn't want to get it after the detention. Look isn't he with Cullens wonder what he did to get in Detention? Ask One student as they stare at him. Aden decided to take his ipod music with his headphones already plugged in for he really wanted to know about his new Camera when he realized there was more cameras on the back that have a lot of classic. Hey dude talking to you why are you here? Ask the one student. Aden takes of the headphones to understand what the boy just ask. Sorry do you mind repeating it to me for I was listening to music. Said Aden politely towards the boy only for the boy grabbed his camera bag which made Aden quickly get up his seat trying to take it from him. Give it back it's not yours! Said Aden trying to find ways to convince them to give his camera bag. We just wanted to see what it's in the bag. Said The boy as he hands over the bag to his friends as they open the bag to take the camera out of the bag. He has a old camera in the bag. Said the boy as he gives it to his friend. Careful with it! yelled Aden as he was going to take the camera out of the person hands but sadly he was pushed to the floor. What's so important about the old piece of junk. Ask the one who was looking through the photos.  Don't tell me you got the camera from your  old Grandma in antique store. Laughed the boy then started making another joke which made Aden snap. Don't tell me you got this for your old father. Said the boy earning him a punch in the mouth that make him stumble back as he wipes his lips to see if he was bleeding from his mouth.  From that small punch you just threw at me get you to have your camera broken. Said the boy as he takes the camera out of his friend hand and drops it in the floor breaking the camera into pieces.  Aden couldn't do anything about his camera for he didn't want to risk his family secrets but hurt him more for the camera was something that was new to him. What's going on here? Ask the teacher who just walk in the classroom. Nothing for we were just fooling around. said the boy as he and friends started walking towards there seat in front of the class. While Aden picks up the pieces from the floor which made it tough for him not to cry but he wish not to cry in front of his enemies. Mr its okay if I could throw away the pieces of the camera that accidentally fell out of the bag? Ask Aden towards the teacher. Alright but you come back here for you are the only one here that could stay for only 5 minutes. Said the teacher while the others were disappointed for they were to stay longer which made Aden feel better because they did broke the one thing he loved the most. Esme had arrived at school waiting for Aden as she saw him coming out with a broken camera in his hands. Aden what happened? Ask Esme towards Aden who didn't face her.  They started to make fun of Dad which I couldn't stand it and decided to punch him on the mouth but sadly they decided to break my camera that meant something to me. Said Aden who started to cry as he holds the camera in his hand.  Esme didn't know what to say for she felt powerless for the stress condition Aden was in the only thing Esme could do was to drive home as Aden crying was becoming silent. Alice, Jasper and Emmett were in the house and were waiting for Aden to come home for Alice had a vision of Aden was being bullied at school. The door of the house open only for Aden to pass them without stopping to say hello to them. Was it that bad Esme? Ask Jasper towards Esme. Couldn't calm him down best if we give him 5 minutes to let the overwhelmed of school go away. Said Esme as she walks to the room of the library to search for a specific book. Mom are you feeling alright? Ask Alice as she sees Esme taking out a book that's talks about What to do if your child is upset? Book that's talks about what to do in a difficult situation. I'm alright just have to teach myself to understand how to talk to Aden about what happened. Said Esme as she started to breakdown from her emotion of not being able to comfort Aden. Emmett and Jasper could talk to him about what happened at school. Said Alice gently towards Esme. Yes they could talk to him it's better for Aden to let it out but if Aden doesn't want to talk to them about it then don't push him instead give him 5 more minutes of space. Said Esme as she watch Alice gently close the door from the Library room. What did she say? Ask Jasper with worried for his small brother even though he is a older vampire. Aden needs to talk about what happened for him to calm himself down but mom ask that we don't push him only give him 5 more minutes of space. Said Alice towards Jasper and Emmett as they make there way upstairs. Aden was at his dad office holding one of his plushies that Carlisle had around his office sense Aden always seems to follow Carlisle example of trying to get a job like anyone else therefore sometimes always had stayed in the office that Aden thought he might at least have something normal life to do. Which made Carlisle give him a lot of wild animals plushy toys from the toy shop but when Aden Anniversary of being adopted in the family of the Cullens he decided to get a mermaid plushy toy that he love very much. Even though Aden  felt weird for he was questioning about why he felt that he wasn't a vampire that was more mature in his own age . Esme and Carlisle had to assure Aden that he was acting mature just exploring his new role in a new family. Aden was happy when he first arrived here in Forks with the Cullens family which made it better or someone else would've hurt him. Aden hugs his Mermaid plushy doll while all of suddenly he felt overwhelmed that he had to get up from his father's chair and rush out of the office room running into Jasper by accident. Aden are you alright? Ask Emmett with worried when he saw Aden running out of the room quickly. Jasper gently touch Aden which earned him getting hug from Aden who suddenly started to cry in his arms. Rough day it's all it was Aden don't worry we won't let anyone get to you. Said Jasper gently as he started to calm him down. Not fair they shouldn't have done that to me for I didn't nothing wrong! Yelled Aden while the emotions had to be let out. It's was wrong of them to do that to you especially when your burly understanding about the life we live in. Said Jasper who started to feel that Aden was having trouble to calm himself that he had to look at Alice and Emmett to quietly asking permission to make Aden fall asleep. Alice and Emmett both nod towards Jasper as he started to use a little bit of Aden emotions as he started to make him calm down as he only hears the sound of Aden slowly falling asleep. Wish I was back home. Said Aden as he falls asleep. Emmett gently picked up Aden in his arms and Jasper made sure Aden's head was lean against Emmetts shoulder. What about him eating dinner? Ask Emmett as he gently whispers towards Alice and Jasper. Mom would understand that it's better this way for him to let him rest until we we all do our homework then dinner. Said Alice towards Emmett. Would Aden be better if he had stayed in the same place that he was hidden away? Ask Emmett with worried that Aden might've had a better chance to be himself without having to worried about being hunted down. No for they would've hurt Aden to the point destroy him is a better option. Said Alice gently towards Emmett. Aden head slowly started to move a little bit more into Emmett neck making Emmett to gently start walking towards Aden room as he holds the Mermaid plushy in his hand. We definitely won't tell dad about this. Said Jasper towards Alice who started to walk downstairs as they hold hands. Later on Emmett, Jasper and Alice had finish there homework when Edward and Rosalie along with Carlisle walk in towards the door. Nice to see all of you here again. Said Carlisle as he started to walk towards Esme who was getting ready to hunt down animal blood with her husband and children. Nice to see my husband walking in the door that I adore him in any way. Said Esme who started to walk towards Carlisle as she gives him a kiss in the lips making Carlisle to lean to the kiss. Tell me how was work today? Ask Esme knowing that he must've had stressful work today. Can't say for sure for The Chief  Daughter might have let Edward's action to reveal his secret. Said Carlisle towards Esme as she looks at Edward with a proud smile. Edward what were you thinking? Ask Emmett who was laying down in the couch. Couldn't just let her get  killed. Explain Edward towards Emmett. Don't you realize if you are exposing yourself towards a human girl then your risking us along with Aden that hasn't even been here long enough in a town where he could be found out by them! Yelled Emmett. Don't you think I would ruined Aden chance to live a life that he almost burly survived! Yelled Edward making Emmett to stop and think about what Edward just said. Edward please take it easy brother for there was accident with Aden today. Said Jasper making Carlisle and Rosalie with worried. Edward look at Jasper with concern. What happened with Aden? what happened when we were not here? Ask Edward towards Jasper. Aden was sleeping in his room holding his mermaid plushy in his hand until his mermaid plushy doll slipped off his hand.

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