Gender boy/Girl🩷💙

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It's 9 am

I'm at my appointment waiting for the doctor to come get me and I've been tired lately like physically and mentally and my birthday is tomorrow.

"Jayda," she said looking at me

I got up, grabbed my purse, and phone, and walked with the doctor to the back room.

"Hey how have you been doing? " she says sitting in the chair and I sit on the bed.

"I am feeling physically and mentally exhausted. To be honest, I am scared of having this baby on my own "

"That's normal hun",  some of the mothers that came in are scared to have a baby even if they sign up for it or not," she said getting the camera and rubbing the gel on my stomach

"You're almost six months pregnant, so you can find out the gender you want to know. "

" uh sure "

" Okay you're having a....." she said looking at the screen

"It's a Girl "

"Wow that's crazy," I say wiping my tears.

"Now the next step is her name but that's all for today"

" Thank you! " Jayda said.

"You welcome hun," She said giving me a towel.  

I said "Have a nice day" I got up and went to the door.

" You too hun" and I closed the door.

Ryker P.O.V

I heard my phone go off so I grabbed it off my nightstand

turned it off-putting my head in my pillow and groaning at 

the hangover kind of regrets drinking that much last night. "my head is pounding" I groan.

I get up and stumble to the bathroom going into my cabinet to get killers, "I got to stop drinking like that"

 I say as I  go into the kitchen and open the fridge to only see eggs I sighed grabbing them and make a mental note to go to the store.    

As I was eating, I started thinking to myself about how much I miss my friends and how my Dad took me from them, l had them since childhood.

 most of all  Jayda my high school and college sweetheart, maybe I need to get over her and get with Hannah but it's hard.  

I loved her the moment she bumped into me but me being the bad boy I had to keep my reputation 

 I love everything about her like her Chocolate skin, beautiful long hair, and brown eyes.

 thinking if we ever had kids I want them to have her eyes  but that's just a fantasy I sadly smile to myself   

getting pulled out of my thoughts my phone starts to ing I groan answering it

"Hey Ryker, I called to check in after last night," Myles said.

" I'm fine Myles just a hangover headache. "

"Yeah,h I bet,  you're the first person that I've seen drink that much."

I sighed.  

" Are you a good man? You know I'm here to talk if you want."

" Sure, I don't mind come over."

" Bet, I'll be there in 30. "

All All All ll "alright bye," Myles said.

" bye," I  said.

I get up wash my dishes and going to take a shower and get dressed. 

its 11:00 am

Their little brown princessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin