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Dabi POV:

-Four Years Ago Continued-

"Y/N L/N...," the unique name rolled off my tongue smoothly as I read back through her email for the second time.

"An American, huh?" I thought to myself. Interesting...maybe I can entertain this for a bit and fuck with this girl.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unsure of how to even start a conversation. My expertise was arson and causing as much damage in my wake as possible, or it used to be anyway. Starting meaningless conversations with an online stranger was not something I saw in my future.

The future I wasn't supposed to have.

After the League went down during the fight with All For One, the majority of us were locked up and spread out. I later found out that only Shigaraki and Toga escaped from the heroes.

All For One was stripped of his powers and placed into a high-security prison where only a few top executives know the location.

I hadn't planned to live after that battle. I had made my decision to die from this shitty and worthless body, taking my father with me into the Pits of Hell.

I even brought my dancing shoes for my performance!

But, like everything else I've ever done in my life, I failed.

I guess the obsessed author of my story couldn't let me go, and I somehow managed to survive the fight.

Once I regained consciousness in the Tartarus Hospital, I was met with a shit ton of reporters wanting to get a glance at the number one hero's estranged eldest son.

Not only were the pesky paparazzi waiting outside the prison, but so was my entire self-seeking family, with Dad leading the pack.

Thankfully, and much to my surprise, Chicken Legs was my saving grace and managed to get rid of the reporters and pass the message along to my family that I don't want anything to do with them.


Although, that didn't stop Dad from coming every week. He continued to try and weasel his way into visitation, but Hawks always happened to be there and deflected the flaming sack of trash.

Apparently, Hawks was on some sort of redemption arc of his own after the war. He pledged to himself to atone for the death of Twice and made it his goal to rehabilitate me. How annoying, right?

I told that traitor to piss off more than once, but he never gave up. He took every insult I threw at him and continued to apologize for his own mistakes. Like myself, he's far from perfect and seems to actually want to right his wrongs.

He proved himself on several occasions and although I'd never admit it to him, I grew to appreciate his visits.

I guess that's how I managed to let the bird convince me to enroll in this program.

Because I've got nothing better to do, not because I'm trusting him. Disgusting.

I stared at the keyboard as I thought about a reply to the girl's email. Where do I even start? I've never been good with words.

I huffed as I mulled over what to say. Why do I even care? But, without another thought, I began to type a reply aggressively.


I'm Dabi. I bet you've heard of me. I'm one of the most feared supervillains in Japan. If not the world. How lucky are you to be placed with someone as dangerous as me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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