...or just run.

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Here we go!!! Please vote and comment if you'd like! I love to hear from you!

"Can I get you any refreshments, ma'am?" The cheerful voice of the flight attendant asked.

I swiftly pulled my headphone from my ear as I looked up at her bright smile. "Oh, yes, please. Can I get water?"

The pretty lady nodded her head and quickly reached into her cart beside her and pulled out a bottle of water. I said my thanks before she was on to the next person.

I sighed deeply as I settled in my seat. This was really happening, I was currently sitting on the plane to Japan! I couldn't believe it but as I pulled out my phone to shuffle my music, I was suddenly reminded of what I'd done.

15 Missed Calls.

23 Text Messages.

I wasn't stupid to know that they were probably all from a certain Pro Hero who had figured out I left town. I'm sure she is going to have a few choice words with me when I hear from her next, but as I said to her before I left, I can take care of myself. Once I arrive in Japan and meet Mr. Shimura, I'll send her proof that I'm alive and well and not falling victim to some trafficking scam she so believes I am.

A deep breath rolled through my nose as I swiftly turned my phone to airplane mode and leaned back in the seat. This was a good thing; this was progress toward the future I worked hard for. I just hoped she'd understand and forgive me for just leaving without a word.

But as the flight progressed and the closer to my new home I got, I couldn't help the twisting knots in my belly. Once I could see the beautiful landscape of Yokohama City come into view, my anxious nerves took over. The city was busy it seemed, with lots of people hustling to get to work and start their days. It was still early morning in Japan when I arrived, and the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon.

I scrolled through my emailed confirmation from Mr. Shimura for my next instructions as I exited the plane. Even though I had read it entirely at least a hundred times on the way, I still double-checked it every few minutes now that I was finally here.

The information was oddly very specific for what I needed to do but I figured my new boss must be very precise on how he does things. There's nothing wrong with being detail oriented, I guess!

I was instructed to head to the northwest entrance of the airport after I claimed my luggage. According to the email, there should be an escort holding a sign with my name on it to take me to Mr. Shimura's office.

Thank goodness for all those years of Japanese classes! I can make out most of the words directing me where to go. Otherwise, I'd have been completely lost.

As if on cue to his instructions, I saw my name scribbled largely on a paper as I descended the escalator. My face lit up in excitement as I tried to maneuver through the sea of people blocking my path.

"Oh my gosh! This is real! See, Alyanna! I told you everything would be fine!" I thought to myself excitedly as I raised my hand in the air to wave at the escort.

The man was holding the sign securely in his gloved hands and if I didn't know any better, I'd say he looked like someone's butler. He was wearing a fancy red button-up shirt with a sleek black vest over the top.

I'll admit, he looked a little...weird, but who am I to judge?

My desperate flailing caught his attention finally as he straightened his shoulders and waved back at me. I smiled brightly as I tucked my painting securely under my arm while simultaneously shoving through the people. There was about 50 feet between us when I finally opened my mouth to greet him.

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