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"And then she slammed the door in my face as if I were the bane to her existence!" I exclaimed wildly as I threw my hands in the air. I was completely over today and the only thing left I could do about it was complain.

After I ended the chat with Dabi, I spent the next several hours catching up on all of the work I had previously slacked off on. I used my time wisely and I turned in all of the audits like I said I would; I even organized all the paperwork!

Yet, Misty didn't see it as an accomplishment. She said I, "should have been doing it all along," or whatever. Damn.

Now, I was sitting at my favorite local coffee shop in NYC with my childhood best friend, complaining about the witch of my nightmares, literally.

What's that? I already said I had a best friend? So it a crime to have two best friends?

Alyanna was different from Dabi. She's known me since elementary school and could pretty much read me like an open book. She's been my rock since day one. She'd do anything for me, as I would her.

"Wow, I guess you could say it was a...pretty shitty day," my friend joked as she blew a raspberry from her lips.

I groaned as I dropped my head against the table. "Ugh, Alyanna...I hate it there. I really hate that selfish woman! Is it bad that I hope everyday that she just...never comes back?"

Alyanna snickered as she watched me sulk. "Well, considering she's been the head honcho of that place for a decade, I don't think she's going anywhere. Sorry, babe."

I groaned again in irritation for her reality check. Of course I knew that hag wasn't going to bless me with her disappearance. That would be too easy.

Placing her cappuccino down on the laminate table top, Alyanna reached forward and lightly patted the top of my head. I guess it was her way of attempting to comfort me while I wallowed in self-pity.

"Why don't you just quit, Y/N? You don't owe them anything. Why stay at a job that doesn't value you?"

I rolled my head to the side to peer up at her. "Why? Because if I leave, I'm fucked," I sighed. "And not in a good way."

Alyanna's eyebrows furrowed in pity as she continued to listen to me whine. "My landlord is already knocking on my door for this month's rent, which I in fact, don't have. Not all of us are fortunate enough to be engaged to one of New York's richest entrepreneurs."

She was one of the lucky ones. Alyanna met her true soulmate at a work banquet. She was honored as one of our country's bravest heroes, coming in at number twenty three in the charts. Unbeknownst to her, she was being awarded by the man who she would spend the rest of her life with.

My bottom lip jetted out as I thought about my current financial situation. It was getting harder and harder to stay afloat, and if I didn't do something about it soon, I was going to be another homeless person on the streets. The late notices being taped to my door everyday was a constant reminder.

"When did you start feeling so sorry for yourself? If you're unhappy, make a change," Alyanna stated while grabbing her mug and taking a small sip.

"Arg, what's the use? Maybe auditing piss pots for the rest of my life is what I'm meant to do. Hell, I can't even sell my own paintings for Christ sake," I grumbled, rolling my eyes as far back as they'd go for dramatic effect.

A laugh bubbled out of Alyanna's throat. "Come on, don't give up that easily! You just haven't found the right crowd yet. Someone will come along and see your amazing talent and give you a chance. You need to continue to work hard, girl. I promise it will pay off. Just imagine it, you'll be painting watercolors for the president before you know it."

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