Just jump...

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Dear Y/N,

I have been enthralled by your beautiful painting Firebird.

The technique is magnificent and I must have more. Please accept my offer of $100,000.00 and an opportunity for you to come and join my art mesume in Kamino, Yokohama, Japan.

I would pay for your airfare and any travel expenses you incur as well as provide you with a place to stay in Kamino. We can discuss the salary and benefits of working for me and I promise you will not be disappointed.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Tenko Shimura

I bounced on the balls of my feet as Alyanna read the offer letter aloud. I couldn't stay still as I continued to fidget and pace the length of her penthouse. My breathing was ragged from the sprint to Clark Tower.

"Hah! What a joke. I can't believe someone is stupid enough to think this would work," she snickered while scrolling through the email.

"I KNOW, I'm so excited! Can you believe this is happening to me? Normally, I have the absolute worst luck! This is literally going to change my life!" I nearly screamed in her face, coming to a halt in front of her sitting form.

Aly's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Huh? You don't seriously believe—"

"I knew my hard work was going to pay off one day! I can finally pay off my debt and start anew! And in Japan!? Holy shit, Alyanna! This is BIG!" I exclaimed, placing my hands on my head and staring wildly at her puzzled face.

"Babe, this is obviously a scam. You don't actually think this guy is serious, right?"

I didn't register her words as I continued to pace the room. "I-I can sell all my stuff and just bring a suitcase of a few important things! I can pay off my landlord and—," I gasped loudly as another rapid thought crossed my mind. "I can finally tell Misty to fuck off and officially quit that piece of shit job!"

"Y/N, listen—," Alyanna tried again before I interjected.

"I-oh! I can go visit Dabi! I can find out what happened and I can finally see him in person!" I explained excitedly. "I've been waiting for years to be able to talk to him face to face!"


Suddenly, I was stopped abruptly by Alyanna grabbing my upper arm. "Listen to me, I know you want this to be legit, but it isn't. This is some kind of scam," she explained while holding up the email in my view.

I scoffed as I removed my arm from her hold. "No, it isn't. Artsy takes its buyers and sellers' protection seriously. You have to be certified to even have an account," I pointed out. What's her problem? She's putting a damper on my good mood!

Alyanna shook her head in disbelief, "for starters, they didn't even spell 'Museum' right! How is anyone supposed to take them seriously if they can't even spell?" She questioned while pointing to the error.

I pursed my lips while I took the phone from her and reread the offer letter. "English is not their first language. It was probably a translation thing," I defended and I shrugged my shoulders.

My friend sighed deeply as she ran a stressed hand through her dark brown hair. "Still, this is one of those 'too good to be true' things, Y/N. It doesn't make sense. This person sees one piece of art from you and decides to hire you overseas and pay large amounts of money to get you to their country? Your paintings aren't even sold for this kind of money...It sounds more like a trafficking scam to me," she says while taking a seat back on the large sofa.

Pen Pal (Dabi x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя