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Tanjiro sighed.

"Maybe he's not able to put his trust in us."

Tanjiro suggested as Tengen left the rooftop he, Tanjiro, and Inosuke had met on.


Y/N called from behind them, making the two jolt in surprise at his sudden arrival.

"Will you dumb old guys stop appearin' outta nowhere!?"

Inosuke yelled angrily as Y/N sat down on the rooftop. The sun was bright in the sky as the group held their little meeting. Tengen had seemed to arrive a little earlier and leave a little to quickly for Y/N to catch him. He tilted his head slightly as Inosuke complained.

"I'm no old man, Inosuke. I'm actually only a few years older than you."

he paused.

"Tengen doesn't trust you because you're inexperienced. He made a poor decision bringing Kanoe's on a mission as risky as this, but don't feel discouraged. Be better."

He stated, quite bluntly. Tanjiro and Inosuke glanced at each other before nodding.

"Yes, we understand. However I have something to say regarding Zenitsu's disappearance. Mr.Uzui was patrolling outside of our houses during the night, right? Even so, Zenitsu still disappeared, and the demon that Inosuke claims he saw at his house is nowhere to be seen right now. So that leads me to believe that there's a passage that leads into the building."

Tanjiro remarked. Inosuke scratched his head as he listened, seemingly annoyed for no reason. Y/N nodded his head in agreement.

"I had my suspicions, but I suppose I didn't want to throw out ideas without perfect evidence. If we continue on the idea that the demon hasn't left the house, that means they're probably working from the inside, and have disguising themselves as a human."

Y/N continued Tanjiros hypothesis.

"However, I think Tengen underestimates your two abilities. Weather or not you can defeat it is irrelevant, because the only reason you three came here to begin with is to find Tengen's wives." 

Y/N stood himself up from the spot he was seated and blinked his eyes a few times, looking down in the two boys general direction.

"Inosuke, me and Tanjiro will retrieve you from the Ogimoto house at nightfall. Afterwards, we're going to rendezvous with Tengen if he hasn't found any other leads."

Inosuke nodded, as did Tanjiro as they copied Y/Ns motions and stood themselves up as well. 

Inosuke hurried off to his house while Tanjiro and Y/N cautiously made their way across rooftops and back to theirs.

With careful movements, Tanjiro stealthily slipped through the narrow window of his room, casting a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure that Y/N was following suit.

A flicker of concern crossed his eyes as he realized Y/N had yet to make an appearance. Worried, he poked his head out, his gaze darting in search of his blind companion.

A gentle breeze blew hanging advertisement banners in the town, carrying the faint scent of the evening air. Just as Tanjiro's worry grew, a voice reached his ears, light and filled with warmth.

"Sorry about that, Tanjiro. I had to retrieve our belongings from Tengen's 'muscle mice'."

Surprise mingled with relief as Tanjiro turned around, discovering Y/N standing quietly behind him in the room.

A soft smile spread across his face, grateful for Y/N's resourcefulness. He accepted the clothes and sword that Y/N handed him, their touch reassuring in the dim light that the window gave them.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and red, the entertainment district came alive with the buzz of people seeking enjoyment under the twilight.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as laughter and conversation filled the air, intermingling with the distant sounds of music and clinking glasses.

Tanjiro and Y/N swiftly changed into their familiar attire.

With their preparations complete, they used the window for a second time tonight to exit the house before swiftly carrying themselves to the center of the triangular roof. They paused for a moment, taking in the layout of the city.

As they embarked on their journey to the Ogimoto house, Y/N led the way, guiding them effortlessly across the rooftops. The rhythmic sound of their footfalls accompanied them in a quiet song.

However, the serenity was abruptly interrupted when Tanjiro came to an abrupt stop. Y/N, hearing the sudden absence of Tanjiro's footsteps, turned around with a confused expression etching his face.

Concern laced his voice as Y/N spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Is something wrong?"

Tanjiro remained silent for a moment, his senses sharp and alert. Then, with an urgency in his voice, he exclaimed,

"I smell something sweet! It must be a demon!"

Without further explanation, Tanjiro sprinted off in a direction that led away from their original path.

Y/N's brow furrowed with a mix of confusion and concern, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword.

He took a moment to gather his bearings before following Tanjiro's hurried footsteps, tracing the route he had taken even if he was quite a bit behind.

As Y/N raced to catch up and a thunderous boom echoed through the air, causing his heart to leap in his chest. The sound was followed by a chilling laughter.
Urgency fueled his movements as he pressed on, the distance between him and the source of the disturbance closing rapidly.

With each step, the scent of destruction and chaos grew stronger. Y/N's instincts guided him unerringly, his body moving fluidly across the rooftop until he reached the scene of the confrontation.

As he landed on the crumbled rooftop, the scattered sound of labored breathing reached his ears. Y/N knelt down, his hand meeting the familiar touch of Tanjiros.

"T-Tanjiro? What happened? Are you alright?"

Y/N's usually calm voice now carried a sense of urgency and worry

Tanjiro sat ip with a grunt and nodded in response, his face displaying signs of weariness. He removed the box from his shoulders, and gentle set it on the floor of the now exposed attic.


Y/N listening as Tanjiro said he smelled sweet something and then ran off with zero explanation

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Y/N listening as Tanjiro said he smelled sweet something and then ran off with zero explanation


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