Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?

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3rd Person PoV

Friday / Restaurant / Morning

The group reunited in a restaurant by the time morning came, choosing the farthest corner of the room to discuss their matters without being interrupted.

Takashi: "...sooo what you're saying is-"

Lokhan: "Yep, i was sent by the Church with the original plan to destroy the Holy Grail, i managed to enter the Holy Grail War with the objective to localize the Grail and destroy it as soon as possible." Explained the assassin taking a sip of his drink, some form of juice he bought from the restaurant to spend the time.

Priest: "They got us good, too bad, that means we're out of the war." Said with a slight smile the Executor crossing his arms over his chest, Berserker at his side letting a chuckle out.

Lokhan: "But honestly, i don't think you have to fight anymore, given the Grail's circumstances and how likely it is for it to burn the entirety of Kyoto to the ground."

Takashi: "Well, Berserker's already out of the war, that was our main concern so..."

Daiki: "Yes, without Berserker in the war that gets rid of our only worry. Me and Saber will help find where the grail is, that way we can properly end the war and call it off...i really want to get back to the old life before this." Sighed Daiki sitting besides Takashi, adjusting his glasses over his eyes.

Lokhan: "Hey, Priest-san, do you know where the grail is by chance?" Asked Lokhan putting down his cup, the priest didn't have a positive response, instead shaking his head.

Priest: "No, i've been searching for it too actually, my mission is mostly the same." He took out of his pocket a phone, flipping through it to land on an image that he presented to everyone. "About five years ago, a place known as Fuyuki suffered a catastrophe with the Grail that consumed the city in flames, so if anyone makes a wish upon it, it'll really likely kill everything and everyone here."

Nosora: "How problematic, a curse of the sort is...really not my cup of tea, already had enough solving my bloodline's curse." Added the doll maker with his hands on the table, wondering about the subject with a pensive expression.

Takashi: "Don't go back to the edgy you, please."

Lokhan suddenly stood up from his seat, taking his time to and placing down a couple dollars to pay for his meal.

Lokhan: "I'll continue to search for the Grail then, if you want to help i'll contact you all through message, i've got everyone's phone number thanks to Assassin except for Priest's."

Daiki: "That kid was a problem too..."

With that, Lokhan waved at them and left the scene. Following after, the Executor and Yoru stood up too.

Priest: "I should do that too, since we no longer have to worry about battles going on, i'll search for that."

Yoru: "I'll go with you." The Servant's Master gave a single nod of acceptance to bring her along, she reached to hold his hand and walked along to leave the scene.

Daiki: "That's reduced to us..."

Takashi: "Where's Liv and Daniel?" Wondered the tomboyish girl looking around to see if she could spot them.

Daiki: "Apparently taking care of Rider, they're trying to get her to wake up sooner but so far no luck's come." He responded leaning back on his seat with a tired sigh.

Nosora: "The object Assassin used on her was strong, of course she'd be downed for a long while, we're lucky she didn't suffer any real damage besides being controlled."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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