Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind

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3rd Person PoV

Friday - May 10 / Nanashi's shop / Afternoon

Takashi:"-So i was thinking of going to the park so we could train!"

Takashi and Nanashi were speaking inside his shop as he was sewing a doll in his hands, listening to her words with close attention to see what she wanted from him

Nanashi:"...i'd like to, but my muscles are sore from a while ago" His sight went to meet Takashi's, placing down the newly sewed doll and leaning on the counter

Takashi:"Did you train on your own yesterday? How'd it go?"

Nanashi:"I feel tired, stayed awake all night to do that..."

Takashi tilted her head not understanding the reason for him training so late, she seemed not to know a lot about the war that he got himself into and why he needed to grow stronger...luckily, Kazuki was there to help him out

Takashi:"Then...want to go downtown and have something to eat? I know a shop that opened recently and a friend recommended it to me!" A new idea popped up in her mind, blurting it out in hopes for him to accept

Nanashi:"Don't you have class today? I mean, it's kind of late so-"

Takashi:"I gave my students the day free so we can go do something as friends!" Takashi was a martial arts teacher as far as Nanashi was concerned, she enjoyed her job though from experience he can say that she's anything but easygoing when it's about training

Nanashi:"If you did that then...we can go, just no races"

Takashi:"Blazing! I'll wait for you outside!" With that, the excited girl ran off into the outside of the shop practically bursting through the door and making her way out

Kazuki materialized at Nanashi's side, leaning against the wall behind him with his arms crossed

Kazuki:"How long have you been friends for?" Asked with curiosity the Lancer, spinning a sewing needle in his hand without any fear of it possibly falling and hurting him

Nanashi:"For some years now- why do you want to know?"

Kazuki:"She brought you some flowers, i just thought something might be on with you two!"

The Lancer stopped spinning the needle and pointed at some flowers that Takashi brought in some time earlier, a few roses and lilies that he placed on a vase and placed some water on it as to keep the flowers alive

Nanashi:"We're just friends grandpa...she's trying to be nice, that's how she's been the last couple months" The young guy went up to a drawer in the other room, taking out from it a black jacket that he put over him

Kazuki:"I was asking. You know, i'm not sure how or why i remember this, but when i was an adult i was loved all around by many women...maybe a bit of my luck passed down to you since you are the impossible child, and now you have the girl with you"

Nanashi stopped on his tracks, standing completely still after hearing him

Nanashi:"What do you mean?"

Kazuki:"I told you before didn't i? The curse of our bloodline, supposedly only four of us must remain per bloodline, no more and no less. You  were the impossible fifth child, and now bear the curse just like i do" His words caught the doll maker's attention, turning slowly to face him. Kazuki had a smirk on his face, a really usual gesture of his'

Nanashi:"So that's why they all had such family was weird, one couldn't see, another couldn't hear, other couldn't talk and the last one couldn't was because of a curse after all"

Fate/Fragmentary TalesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon