The traditional non-traditional version

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Fanfic translated by non-natives.

Written by: LuhDramaLS

Notes: Hello babies!

I came up with another fanfic, this time inspired by romantic comedies, I don't even like it haha Hope you have a good read!


There was a tradition in the Min family.

Ever since their name was recognized for great deeds in the police force, they had all dedicated themselves to the police life before even being old enough to enter the academy. It was a tradition passed down through several generations, and Yoongi's was no different, even if his father was against it all.

"But why, father? Aren't we all doing it as an act of honor for the family?" Yoongi asked his father while signing the paper to enter the contest.

"Yes... But I am not sure if it is your destiny, son."

Despite his parent's uncertainty, the omega did his best to pass the theoretical and practical exams, even though his score on the physical test almost made him fail, passing with the minimum grade. He recognized the fear his father had buried deep in him throughout the whole episode. Yoongi was a born genius, very interested in science fiction and riddle games, but a terrible athlete.

It all ended up giving him only a chair and a desk in a small room in the Seoul Police Department, with stacks and stacks of folders containing cases for him to solve.

Yoongi was not upset by how busy and overloaded his role could be; in fact, he enjoyed spending the day trying to put together the pieces of puzzles that many were just too lazy to unravel, as most cases were easy to solve.

His coexistence with co-workers – even with that 'however' – was often natural, with some visiting his office in the middle of the day to remind him of lunch, even bringing him strong coffee or just pestering him.

"You should go outside during lunchtime, people barely reach out to you, stuck here all day. I don't even know how you can handle it..." said his co-worker, Kim Taehyung, while chewing an apple, sitting sideways at his desk.

The badge hanging around his neck indicated he was an investigator, just like Min, yet he already had some experience going to crime scenes to collect samples.

"I'm fine. I even have extra work as our dear friends do not like to read reports," he muttered, without even lifting his eyes from the case he was reading.

"I still think you need to go out... Have an adventure, what do you think? No one has caught your attention here?"

In that exact moment, Yoongi dropped a victim's file and looked at Kim in disbelief, "It's not because you and Hoseok are going out, I need to do the same. And no, no one has caught my attention, here, and, plus, I have no time for romance." Yoongi replied with conviction, going back to what he was doing.

"Oh, please! Don't make such excuses! It's true some police and deputies are old and ready to retire but! Don't tell me there's no one here! It doesn't hurt to go out and relax once in a while," The noise of the fruit being chewed by Taehyung sounded loud, disturbing the silence in which the investigator Min tried to grasp to understand the sentences written in the conversations by message of the victim with the alleged killer. He was already losing patience as Taehyung added, "There's a Park."

Yoongi dropped his paperwork again and glared at his co-worker.

"Not that I want a choice among the department's cops, but you need to find someone better to convince me, Kim Taehyung."

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