375 19 0

Park Jimin

I slowly pulled her onto my lap while she gently kissed my neck. Her hands traveled up my chest and gripped my shoulders as she slowly began sucking on my neck. A gasp escaped me and my hands slowly run up her back until I looked into her blue eyes.

I woke up from my sleep, sweaty and panting. The sun shone through my curtains and my alarm said 10am. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror over my sink as I unbuttoned yesterday's white shirt because I hadn't changed yesterday. Everything felt so hazy as if it hadn't been a dream at all.

I could have sworn I really felt her kisses on my skin. Did I really dream about her? Why her? I had never had a sex dream and especially not with such a person.

So I jumped in the shower to clear my head a bit, but I could still remember every single detail of my dream. This dream just wouldn't get out of my head. I hope it remains a one-time dream.


But even after taking a shower I didn't really feel any better. After breakfast I went to my study. I don't even get a break from work on weekends.

I had to set up a meeting for next week and finish some other things. So I started my computer. Yet my mind was elsewhere and not at work. I sighed and ran my fingers through my wet hair. How could such a dream happen? How did she get into my head?

I turned off my computer and left my study. I sank onto my couch and stared at the wall. What should I do? Then I remembered my conversation with Namjoon yesterday.

He mentioned my ex because he wants to protect his sister. He was right, I've really been treating her like an asshole for the past few weeks, but does he have to bring my ex into a conversation like this? Also, I never said I didn't trust women. I have no more trust in a relationship but it has nothing to do with trust in a woman.

"I would be interested to know if Y/n has ever had a relationship..." I whispered to myself, but then quickly tried to forget this stupid thought.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the ringing of my cell phone. It was Taehyung. "Jimin! You got a moment?" I heard the voice of my brown-haired best friend. "Yes, what's up."

"Namjoon said I should tell you that he invited us all to barbecue next weekend. He's too busy and doesn't have time to call you. Are you coming?" I had forgotten the question he had just asked me because the dream shot into my head again.

"What was the question again?" He was brief silence. "Are you okay Park? You're acting weird...The question was whether you're coming."

"Uhm yes, of course and I'm fine. Has he already said a time?" ,,Not yet. I'll let you know. I'll leave you alone now. Did I interrupt you masturbating or why are you so out of your mind?"

"Oh god no Tae. I've just had a rough week and didn't sleep that well tonight." "Oh well, then rest a bit. Don't forget our coffee date on Wednesday." "In no case will I forget it. Then see you on Wednesday at the latest. Love you." I sighed,
hung up and closed my eyes until I slowly fell asleep.

I was sitting at my desk when I heard my study door open and then I heard footsteps. The smell of her sweet perfume filled my nostrils and let me know that she was behind me now. "You've worked enough, give yourself a break." Her soft voice echoed through the room and her hand slowly slid down my chest while she hugged me from behind. I gently stroked her arm as she began placing wet kisses behind my ear. "Let me help you relax a little."

I woke up from my dream again.
Had I dreamed of her again? This was the second time now. I groaned in annoyance and looked at the clock above my television. It was now 5 p.m.

I had slept almost four hours. So I got up from the couch,grabbed a jacket and then I left my apartment. Maybe a walk will help clear my head a bit. Although it was almost summer, the air in the evenings was still cool.

I slowly strolled down the streets. It really helped clear my head a bit. I took a deep breath, how long hadn't I done something like this.

After I got out of the clinic I wasn't outside much and after that I started to work so I almost had no free time.

After twenty minutes I made my way back to my apartment and was finally able to do some work with a clear head.

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