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(TW: Contains mention of su*cide, selfharm, abuse.)







You're naked.

All the bruises on your body are visible.

They are alive too, seething, if not more sentient than you.

They look at you in the mirror, angrily, and soften at the sight of your tear-streaked face.

You didn't deserve this, they whisper.

Should I kill myself, you whisper back.

Because of him....????

He treated you worse than filth, while you want to sacrifice your damn life for him...?

For him...?

Always ensured that he didn't feel lovelorn, so that he didn't feel remotely lonely ever.

And what did he give back to you?


Worse than nothing.

He gave you back, as he had promised in long cheesy texts, "exactly what you deserve bae."

Misery, ache, high fever, numbness- and lifelong trauma.

He had not cheated at all!

Hell, this was an honest man! He been faithful to his word!

He had given back exactly what HE thought you deserved, from deep inside the cold chambers of his heart, where your empathy dropped like a meteorite, burning up and finishing before reaching the base.

Inner ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora