6. Sad Goodbyes and a friend's return

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Time skip - 1 day

Barry was in his loft staring at the ceiling and sobbing. He was now alone he has lost his wife.
Then he hears a knock on the front door.
He then gets up and opens the door to see Joe who had a sad face. Then he speaks

Joe: Barr. It's time to say goodbye to Cisco and Khione. They have to leave. I know you want your friends to be with you at this situation but they have to leave.

Barry nods at him

Barry: Let's go.

Then they both head to the starlabs.

Cisco: Barry. I am sorry that I can't stay with you. But one call I will be infront of you.

Khione: It's time to say goodbye Barry. I have to leave.

Then Cisco's phone rang. He receives it and he was Slightly disappointed.

Cisco: I have to leave now. There's an emergency and they need me.

Cisco then hugs Joe,Cecile,Allegra and Khione saying her a goodbye. And he finally comes near Barry and hugs him tightly and barry hugged him back.

Cisco: Hey buddy ! Take care of yourself.
(He smiles to Barry)

Barry: Bye Cisco.

Cisco then opens a breach to star city and goes in.

Khione: Well. It's my time to leave then.

Then she hugs Cecile, Joe, Allegra and Lastly Barry.

Barry: Goodbye Khione.
(Barry smiles at her)

Khione: I couldn't stayed longer with you Barry. But I will give you something in return.

Barry was confused

Then Khione was covered with Wind, Leaves, Fire, soil creating a tornado.

Then the tornado was brought down and everyone saw a familiar figure.

Barry: Cait !!!

Caitlin: Hey Barry !
(She smiles at him as she always does)

Then Barry runs towards Caitlin then hugs are tightly before speaking anything

Barry: I missed you Cait. I missed you so much. I thought I will never see you again?.

Caitlin: I missed you too Barry. Don't worry now I am back home.
(She says tearing up slowly)

Then Caitlin slowly walks to Cecile and Allegra hugging them.

Then she turns to Joe hugs him.

Joe: We missed you Caitlin.

Caitlin: Me too..

Then everyone gathered at the cortex waving goodbye. So they can go to their home.

Barry: Do you want a lift Cait ?

Caitlin: Sure Barry.

Then Barry drops Caitlin to her apartment. He was about to leave but Caitlin grabbed his hand and said him to come inside. Barry sat in her couch and he was the first to break the silence.

Barry: Caitlin, I am really sorry. That I destroyed your lab. I am sorry for everything.

Caitlin: It's okay Barry. What you did was right. I was always too stubborn and you did the right thing. I now understand that Frost cannot return.

Then Barry smiles at her. It was his genuine smile. Barry then heads to leave.

Barry: Bye Cait 👋

Caitlin: bye Barry.

Then Barry heads towards his loft....

(Author: Yes!! Finally we bring Caitlin back. Sadly Cisco doesn't know that Caitlin's back. Updates will come soon. So please vote for faster updates.❤️❄️)

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