demon season (4) (a bit of smut)

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Wukong POV:

with demon season around the corner, all the demons have been keeping themselves out of sight or just dropping out entirely so school is closed for the rest of the month. I personally thought it was quite stupid. The only 'demons' left in the school are me, Redson, Nezha, MK, Mei and Macaque. Oh right, macaque! What i told him yesterday was true and i was going to make it happen, starting today.

"HII WUKONG!!" i heard a muffled voice shout out to me from behind my front door. My mom was out for the month as well to catch up with my dad, so i knew it was MK. I opened the door to see MK, Mei, Redson, and Nezha.

"oh, hey guys!" ~Wukong
"so...anything new happen..?" ~Nezha
"is that the only thing your here for?" ~Wukong
"ignore him!! let's just get going" ~MK
"Where too?" ~Wukong
"Well, Nezha and the rest of us want to have an adventure so we're going to do a few missions!"~Mei

Even though we were in high school, we still had missions and stuff but they weren't mandatory

"Well it says here to head somewhere underground but we can't go today, we have to go tomorrow" ~MK
"what?! why tomorrow?!" ~Redson
"Well you know how tomorrow marks the first day of the demon season? well, on the first day the demons tend to be a bit weaker and don't come out to pick a fight so to make it easier for ourselves, let's do it tomorrow!" ~MK

everyone was disappointed but obliged nonetheless.

"cya tomorrow then!" ~MK
"wait but didn't you say you were gonna stay with me today? because you know, mom and dad are..." ~Wukong
"oh yeah... but i cant! i forgot i promised Redson i while before that i'll come to his" ~MK
"oooo~" Nezha and Mei tease
"SHUT UP!!" ~redson
"well goodbye now!" MK says nervously as he hushes Redson

I close the door and let out a sigh. i knew i wouldn't be able to stay cooped up in the house so i got ready and decided to go to that new amusement park in town.

I wore a yellow hoodie with black sleeves and blue stripes on each side. I wore baggy jeans and my hoodie was up, covering my messy hair.

I walked to the amusement park and was astonished at what i saw. It was packed with bright lights and fun games. I realised i kinda seemed like a loner being in this fun place all alone so i decided to play some games while looking for anyone i knew. I knew a lot of people so how hard could it be?

I walked around for a while until i came across a fun game. It was called hook-a-duck! it seemed fun so i decided to play. I grabbed my hook and picked up the first duck i saw, only to find it was the loosing duck. After losing about 5 times, i decided to get a bit cheeky and used golden vision to find the right duck.

'hehe' i thought to myself 'nailed it'.

Suddenly, i felt someone tumble straight into me, followed with loud screams. I got up to see the person on top of me and it was...MACAQUE?!

"oh my god, are you ok..?"

suddenly, a flock of demons rushed into the park and everything went into pure chaos. it seemed like they were looking for someone. was it..macaque? As i got closer to help him up, i was hit was a sweet smell, almost hypnotising.

"i'm fine.." macaque said weakly, pushing me away from him

"no..your not!" ~wukong

to be honest, it took every bit left in my body to not just pounce on him and claim him. I quickly snapped out of it and took his hand, forcing him to run with me.

"hey! let me go, what are you doing? where are you taking me?!" ~macaque

he tried to free himself form my grasp but failed almost instantly

"you'll see~" i said with a smile on my face
"wukong..." ~macaque
"..." ~wukong

Me and macaque were both silent until we reached where we needed to be. my house.

"what..?" ~macaque
"this is my house." ~wukong
"because you need help and i can help you!" ~wukong

macaque didn't reply and i could tell that he figured out he had no other choice but to listen. i told he could make himself welcome and he immediately sat on my couch and started fidgeting uncomfortably. i brought out 2 bowls of food and gave him one. It was awfully quiet so i started conversation.

"where those demons ~wukong
"y-yeah" macaque said nervously

i couldn't help but feel a stinging pain in my chest along side anger. The smell was overwhelming and i couldn't hold myself back anymore. I pounced onto macaque, pinning him to the couch as he dropped his bowl of food in shock.


i silenced him with a soft kiss. He was so tense at first but then slowly melted into the kiss. i bit the bottom of his lip as if i were telling him to open his mouth and to my surprise he did so. I explored his mouth with my tounge, leaving no area unchecked. He was moaning slightly in between. I pulled away from the kiss and wiped my mouth.

Macaques face was bright red and he was crying a little bit from pleasure. He was panting so hard as his ears twitched and i locked his tail with mine.

"this is going to be a looooong night~" ~wukong


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