New School (2)

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wukong POV:

(the next day after the dream)

i sat up in my bed. The only thing on my mind was the dream and i totally forgot it was the first day of my new school. Luckily, i woke up early so i knew i wouldn't be late. I took a shower and wore my school uniform. As i ran down the stairs, i called out to my mom "MOM WHATS FOR BREAKFAST!?" "oh hi honey! glad to see your better from yesterday" I was confused for a moments but then remembered how i had blacked out in the car. "oh..yes! i feel a lot better now thanks!!"

My mom giggled as she served me my breakfast. It was pancakes and bacon. I loved pancakes but didn't really like bacon, but of course i ate it all anyways.

"bye mom! i'm headed of to school now" ~Wukong
"want me to drive you?" ~Mom
"yes please! that would be great!"~Wukong

In the car, we buckled our seatbelts and drove off. It didn't take long to get to the new school as we live relatively close. I waved off to my mom as i entered. 'huh..?' i thought. 'where's my schedule? OMG...I LOST IT?!" I can memorise things pretty quick and remembered the number of my first classroom, however, i was going to need a new schedule from the principal. I knocked on the classroom door and the teacher opened it, giving me a warm welcome. Looking down, i walked into the room and introduced myself.

"H-hi..! my names wukong and i enjoy peaches! I used to live on a mountain before moving here so i could be closer to my brother and get a better education."

The class all welcomed me and i became a bit more comfortable. "Wukong, you can sit next to macaque, the boy next to the window" the teacher said. I scanned the room and locked eyes on macaque before staring in horror and confusion. 'h-he was the boy in my dream...' i thought. 'but why..?'. I walked over to my new seat and sat down anyway it didn't really matter to me anymore, however i still wanted to befriend him.

"hi..!" I said nervously. He scoffed and looked away. 'rude much'. "listen here 'wukong' don't try to talk to me or even INTERACT with me. I.HATE.YOU". I stared in shock.

"w-what? but we literally just met? what the hell dude!"~Wukong
"that's what you think.." he muttered, he thought i couldn't hear him.
"go to hell!"-Wukong
"EXCUSE ME?! if anyone it should be YOU going to hell!"

The whole class heard the commotion and turned their heads. I don't know what came over me but i pounced on him and scratched his eye with my long nails. He screamed in pain and the teacher ran over to separate us. "WUKONG! ITS ONLY YOUR FIRST DAY AND LOOKED AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! WHEN MACAQUE GETS CHECKED AT THE NURSES OFFICE, BOTH OF YOU NEED TO GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!"

A little while later, we both entered the principals office and our parents were already there. My mom and dad, even though they were divorced were both their but meanwhile macaque only had his mom there. Even though macaque was the one hurt, i could see his mom hitting him in the back of the head and pinching his ears. I snapped back to attention when the principal told us to say both sides of the story.

We both pretty much told what happened and even though macaque was the only one hurt and didn't show any violence, we both had to clean the school for a MONTH.

The principal then asked if macaque could show us his eye and when he took of the bandage he screamed. Everyone's head turned and asked what was wrong and he muttered "i-i can't see...I CANT SEE!" he started sobbing. My eyes widened in horror as i immediately felt guilty. I tried to reach my hand to comfort him but he slapped it away, shouting at me telling me i had done it again. 'done it again...? what is he talking about?". My parents were quite angry at me and scolded me but surprisingly nothing more.

"If that boy provoked you, it wasn't entirely your fault.." my mother sighed. My dad had left already. The principal said he needed to talk to both me and macaque in private so our parents left and my mom told me to meet her in the car. I nodded.

"So." the principal started "is their anything you would both like to say to eachother"
To my own and everyone's surprise, i blurted out
Macaque was still looking at the floor as he covered his eye and walked out, he seemed fuming but didn't say anything.
'what a start to my new school..' i thought.

a new awakening💔|| shadowpeach🍑 || highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now