A fresh new start (1)

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(yes i am keeping the wall paper the same everytime lmao)

Wukong POV:
I shoved all my clothes into my bag as fast as i could. The opportunity to leave this wretched place was a blessing.
"WUKONG HURRY UP!" my mother screamed. "We're gonna be stuck in traffic if we don't leave now!" "coming!" i replied. I bolted down the stairs, bags in hand as i examined our now empty house. 'A fresh new start' i thought to myself. I sat in the car (passenger seat of course) and buckled my seatbelt, i don't know how but my mom could tell how excited i was. She smirked before looking ahead and starting the car. On the way out of the mountain, i couldn't help but look out the window and locked my eyes onto a specific spot. My favourite peach tree. Although i loved the thought of moving, there was some stuff i loved here as well. "So.." my mom tried to start conversation as it started to get a bit awkward. " i've already enrolled you in a school, the same one as your little brother MK. I don't think it's right to separate you just because of me and your father" My mother and father were divorced, while my mom had custody over me, my dad had custody over my little brother MK. "thanks mom! i've heard over the phone that MK has told everyone about my arrival but i'm still a bit nervous." I said as i fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat "i'm not sure i'll be able to handle the big crowds"

Suddenly, everything came flooding back to me... 'macaque, that's right. i killed him. i hurt him. i LEFT him..' before i knew it, tears started rolling down my cheeks. i heard my mothers voice shouting and i blacked out.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. no, more specifically, and empty place? everything was pitch black and it felt like i was falling abut i was helpless. alone. exhausted. "WUKONG!!" a loud voice shouted, shocking me. A short monkey, similar to me now that i look closely, came towards me at an alarming speed, holding out their hand. I did the most obvious thing and reached out my hand too. As we got closer to eachother, i could make out their features. Long, Pitch black hair, hard to tell from the room with a grey streak in it. They were blind in one eye and had a scar over their eyebrow. They smiled at me warmly and for some reason i suddenly felt hot. My ears and cheeks when a light pink. The boy noticed this and giggled. 'so cute..' i thought. ' wait.. SNAP OUT OF IT! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!!' i closed my eyes really hard and woke up to reality with a gasp.

I was in a room. the room had all my old belongings in it and i slowly began to come back to the real world. I let out a loud sigh before laying back down and thinking about the dream. 'who was this boy..?'


a new awakening💔|| shadowpeach🍑 || highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now