2. The Skirt That Seeks Attention Unknowingly

Start from the beginning

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 8, so I went towards the building. Tracy was inside. She sat in front of the screen, focused on whatever she was doing. 

She scowled and said, "Look what the cat dragged in," as she cast her gaze over my attire as soon as she noticed my appearance.

Eleanor, be polite.

I fought the urge to say something obnoxious and narcissistic to her and instead said, "Good morning."

"You can eat that."

I pretended to smile slightly and moved toward the elevator. Impressive work, Eleanor. I kept having to recollect. 

Several more people waited for the elevator to open. They had such a polished and expert appearance. Men carrying suitcases and women carrying handbags. I went inside the elevator when it opened.

While I was in the elevator, I overheard a few whispers, but I chose to ignore them because they didn't concern me. After gathering my wits on the 12th floor, I went up to the final door. Eleanor, I trust you to handle this. 

When I knocked on the door, he invited me inside. "Good morning, Mr. Bezos," I said as I slowly opened the door.

"You're early," he said to me. "That's a start."

I approached him and took a seat in front of the desk.

"We've moved the meeting to 9:00. I'll take this hour to go over a few things with you," he said, shoving 2 books across the desk. "This is the company's rulebook, and the one after that is a book for the CEO's assistant. You can learn more about your field of work." 

I'll be honest; I had no idea how to react or what to say, so I kept quiet. I picked up the books and started looking at them.

"You have a voice. You'll get used to this eventually. Since you will spend a lot of time with me, shyness has no place in this game, so adjust to it."

I was eager to get my coffee and said, "I don't know what to say."

A blonde woman walked in after pushing open the door. I'm not going to lie, she was stunning. "Good morning sweetie, are you aware that the meeting has been shifted to 9?" she said to Mr. Bezos.

"I was aware," he admitted.

She kissed him on the lips and then turned to face me. This looked and felt strange. She said it bluntly as if she was trying to prove something. This is the last place I'd want to be with these two. She turned to me with a smirk on her face, "You must be Eleanor Valdanger, my fiancé's new assistant?"

Oh please.

"Yes, I am."

"Athena, please show Eleanor around and to her office," Mr. Bezos said, clearing his throat. "Your office has everything you require." he said, "You meet me here 15 minutes before the meeting."

"Yes, Mr. Bezos."

She said, "Now, Ms. Valdanger, please follow me," and I walked out of the office after her.

She took me on a tour of the business, and boy, was it exhausting. There was a coffee shop, a conference room, and various departments, including the Operating Sector, Media Sector, Administrative Sector, Financial Sector, Human Resources Sector, and Commercial sector, where various people worked in accordance with their roles. 

"And now we return to your office. You are on the same floor as my fiancé because you are his assistant. Listen to me now, you're just his assistant, and he's off limits. You can play catch with anyone except him," she death stared at me, "but if I get the impression you're up to something with him, it won't be pretty. Remember, I'm his fiancée, and you're just his assistant. I'll have you fired in no time," she said, waving the ring on her finger for me to see. 

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