Bestfriends forever

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Ripley's POV:

I sat in my bedroom staring at the wall, Eddie's music blasting from my record player. Me and Eddie have been best friends since the 1st grade when I fell off my bike and he helped me up. Ever since then we have been inseparable. 

"Hey, you good?" Eddie says breaking me out of my trance

"oh yeah sorry." I replied. 

"You've been kinda off lately, you good?"

The truth was I had been kinda off. For some reason I had gotten into this weird phase where I feel like if I don't find someone to love i'm gonna be lonely forever. My mom says its probably because everyone around me has been falling in love and Dustin says its because of all the romance books I read. He also says that i'm never gonna find someone who will live up to my crazy expectations and that I have those expectations because of my romance books.

"RIPLEY!" Eddie screamed waving in my face. 

"sorry, sorry, sorry i'm just tired."

"you sure?" 


He looked at me with a look that said "I know your not fine and we WILL circle back to this later". Eddie then decided to force me to watch Halloween with him. 

I've had a rocky start to high school and I couldn't imagine a life without Eddie or my brother. In the beginning of high school I was made fun of just like Eddie for being a freak, but Eddie was always there to protect me. I joined the Hellfire club and it made it better. Eddie looked at me again and sighed and I knew I was going to have to tell him soon what was wrong but I was going to hold back as long as I could. 


I woke up sprawled across my bed and Eddies not there. I got out of bed and walked in the kitchen to see Eddie dancing to my Tear for Fears cassette. He was making waffles in an apron and I started laughing blowing my cover. 

He looked at me and his face turned bright red. He then took me by my hand and dragged me in the kitchen to dance with him. he twirled me around and sang. 

"There's a room where the light won't find you, holding hands when the walls come tumbling down. when they do i'll be right behind you. So glad we almost made it. So sad they had to fade it. Everybody wants to rule the world." He sang while dancing with me and the way he smiled looked different today, more happy than I have ever seen him. 

We both ate breakfast and got ready and got in the car to drive to school. As soon as we got in Metallica started blasting from the radio.

"Sorry." he said red covering his face for the second time this morning. 

"It's fine!" I said smiling at him. 

As we drove to school Eddie put his hand on my thigh and started singing, again. I sang along with him until we drove into the parking lot. 

"RIPLEY I'M GONNA KILL YOU." I hear my brother yell from outside the van.

"Here we go again." I said rolling my eyes and smirking and it made Eddie laugh. 

I walked out of the car and approached my brother. 

"Dustin, what do you want?" 

"Where were you last night? Steve and Robin came over and bombarded me with questions because they thought you went missing." 

"Sorry dusty, I was at Eddie's."


"Dude chill, you look like steams about to come out of your ears." Eddie said trying to calm Dustin down from having a panic attack. 

Dustin finally calmed down and I saluted Eddie goodbye to go talk to Robin. She looked at me with a super worried face and I knew I was gonna have to tell her where I was. For some reason she was super team "Eddie and Ripley are soulmates" but so is Steve so it's like two devil twins. 

"Where were you last night?" Robin asked with her arms crossed.

"I was at Eddie's"

"Wait whats wrong?"

"what are you talking about?"

I knew she was going to ask me what was wrong because I was wearing my comfort jacket. I'm surprised Eddie didn't notice. 

"Your jacket, Ripley."

"Look I don't wanna talk about it right now, later?"

"Lunch, I'll give you till lunch or else i'm gonna get sick worrying about you."

We both walked to class and sat down and I started drawing not really paying attention to the lesson. 

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