Happiness can be found

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Ripley's POV: 

As I got ready at Eddie's, I realized how much of his room has a part of me in it, hell, how much the whole house has a part of me. Pictures of me on the walls, my designated spot at the table, my blanket that no one else uses but me, the grocery list that's filled with all my favorite foods and drinks, and the one that means the most to me, the picture of me, Eddie, and Wayne that is next to the word "family" written on a piece of wood. Even though I have Dustin and my mom, who I love dearly, I have never felt close to either of them. Dustin and mom have always been best friends and me and Dustin were really close until he got friends. Then when I met Eddie I became a part of his family and I am eternally grateful for them. 

"Ready?" Eddie asked me.

"Yeah." I said with a sigh but not a bad sigh, a sigh that was content. 


As me and Eddie drove I see him pull into Lovers Lake. He then jumped out of the car and opened the back doors of the van. I got out and followed him. As he got into the van and sat against the blankets and pillows that laid in his van he motioned for me to sit with him.

"I just wanted to chill with you, like we used to." He said

As we sat in the van and talked while music was playing on the radio I noticed something was wrong but I couldn't place what. After about 15 minutes Eddie pulled out some weed and we both smoked. 

Eddie's POV:

As we sat in the van I felt sick, I had done this just so I could see if I could tell if she liked me back or not. Ripley gets very truthful when she smokes weed so I was hoping she would say something that she wouldn't say while she was sober. 

"So can I ask you something?" Ripley asked me.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Why do you love me?"

"Excuse me?" I asked as my mouth started to get dry in fear. 

"Well last night you said that you loved me and I wanted to know why. I mean I love you too. I have for a while, its just, I've been so worried you didn't like me back and then you said you just wanted to be friends so I decided to shove those feelings deep down. Now I don't know if I trust you saying you like me or-or love me so I just wanted to know why." She said as she looked down at her pants like she was nervous. I was so fucked. I can't believe I told her that! I mean go me for telling her but holy shit. 

"Holy shit, yes Ri if we are being honest, yes I really do like you. Why? I'm not sure, I mean it's everything about you. Just your personality, the way you take care of me and Wayne and always put us first, your humor, the way you are with Dustin, I mean its everything. But you like me too? Like no fucking around?" I asked waiting patiently for an answer.

"Yes Eds! I mean obviously! I've liked you for a long time." 

"Same." I said with a big pause before my next sentence. "Okay, on the count of three say how long we've liked each other."


"1." We said together



"9th grade." We both said at the same time.

"I think." she said right after. "I'm not sure, I just came to the realization about a month ago that I wanted to be with you but I've always known there was some part of me that loved you in the more than friends way."

"I had a huge obsession over you in the 9th grade and it took me 2 years to get over it. Well I kinda failed, obviously." I said with a gulp.

 "I'm glad you did." she said as she turned to look at me. 

"Wow I feel like were in middle school confessing our undying love for each other. Like we both just let ourselves overthink and it prevented us both from accepting that we both liked each other." I said turning to look at her as well.

As we both stared at each other I noticed a sparkle in her eye I had never noticed. She leaned in and just looked at me. We were not even a centimeter from each others lips and I noticed that this was a game, she wanted to see who would look at the others lips first. We looked at each other for around 2 minutes before I caved and I kissed her. It wasn't rushed, it wasn't quick, and it wasn't those kisses you give when you just want a quick hook-up. It was sweet and amazing and I was hoping it would last forever. She broke off the kiss and look at me again and started giggling. 

"What?" I asked starting to laugh with her. 

"I'm just so happy that this happened." 

"Me too Ri, Me too."

AN: I'm so sorry for the short chapter!! I have a lot going on rn including me losing all of my friends so I haven't been as motivated. I promise a new chapter is coming out soon!

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