one more time

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Ripley's POV:

It had been a week since me and Eddie's "date". After telling Robin everything that night she insisted that we were soulmates. I had told her about the feeling I had and she said she thinks I might have a crush but I could never. Right?

"RIPLEY I SWEAR TO GOD!" Dustin yelled. 



I picked up my bag and walked downstairs. 

"Okay! Okay!" I said as I grabbed two green apples off the counter. Eddie was waiting out front in his van. We both got in. 

"Good morning sweetheart! Dustin." he said like he was mad at Dustin.

"Good morning Eds, what did Dustin do?"

"Dustin tripped me and made me bust my lip open two days ago." 

"I said sorry!!" Dustin said pleading for forgiveness

"Awe poor baby." I said wiping the cut with my thumb. Eddie turned a bright shade of red.

"CAN WE DRIVE, I HAVE SCHOOL PEOPLE!" Dustin yelled making Eddie start the car. As we drove Eddie and Dustin argued over DnD and Eddie had his hand on my thigh which Dustin took clear notice to, making a huge deal over it. 

"Wait so y'all are dating?" Dustin asked 

"No! I'm gonna smack the shit out of you." I said as we pulled into the school. Robin was waiting for me with her arms crossed outside of the van. Dustin opened the door and rushed out. As I went to open my door Eddie was already there helping me out of the van. He then put his arm around my shoulder and walked over to Robin with me. 

"Good morning Robin!" Eddie said acting all happy. 

"What- i'm so confused."

"About what Buckley?"

"THIS! WHAT IS THIS?" she asked gesturing to Eddie and me. The bell rang and Eddie smirked at Robin and then winked at me.

"That is my cue, bye sweetheart!"

"Bye Eds!" I yelled back as he jogged to class. 

"DUDE WHAT?" Robin yelled at me. 


As we walked into Mrs.Clicks class we realized we had a sub who just said we were aloud to talk. We sat down and Robin already started grilling me. 

"So, you've had time to think is this a crush or,-"

"No, well i'm still not sure. I keep getting this weird feeling every time he flirts with me and I think its butterflies but if it is would it ruin our friendship?" 

"Woah your worse than me."

"I KNOW!" I said groaning and rolling my eyes. I slammed my head on the desk and just as I did so the substitute called my name and said I was being picked up.

Eddie's POV:

I walked into the school and walked right back out, I was not going to school today. I also knew I can't worry Ripley so I did what I usually did when I needed to skip. I called the front office and called Ripley out of school. 

As I saw Ripley walk out of the school she looked worried but as soon as her eyes met mine her look had softened. 

"Eddie, why?" she asked a smile on her face.

"Because I missed you and I didn't want to go to school." I responded taking one of her hands and twirling her. 

She giggled and smiled at me. I felt the same feeling again, the one from 9th grade. I needed to talk to Steve. 

"Hey want to go to Family Video and pick out a movie?" I asked.

"Sure!" she said as she hopped in the van.


We pulled up to family video and saw that Steve was the only one working. I held the door for Ripley and told her to go pick out whatever movie she wanted. I walked up to the counter and saw Steve typing in some random numbers. 

"Welcome to Family Vid- oh its just you."

"How about, "Hi! It is so great to see you Eddie!"

"Why are you here?"

"Look can we talk really quick?"

"Sure follow me."


"OKAY EDS!!" she yelled back 

"So what's up?" Steve said as he cracked the break room door.

"You know how I had that massive crush on Ripley 2 years ago? Well I think its come back and I think its worse."

"Dude, again?"


"Tell her man, its obviously not gonna go away, maybe talk to little Henderson and see if he can give you some information."

"Thanks man." 

We walked out of the break room and I saw Ripley dancing by the register. I walked around the aisles and walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"What did you pick?" I asked

"Ghostbusters." she replied as Steve rang us up. 

"Alright have fun love birds, hey Eddie call me and tell me how it goes." Steve said

"Okay! Bye Steve" I yelled back as I was holding the door for Ripley. 

"Tell him how what goes?" Ripley asked as I was helping her into the van.

"Nothing." I said as I drove to Ripley's house waiting for the night to unfold. 

My type (OC x Eddie Munson story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora