Minji touched her lips, she closed her eyes and snorted, then stepped into the elevator.


Haerin widened her eyes in shock when the cigarette case landed on her face hard, she gaped, her face showing confusion.

Minji rubbed her hair roughly and sighed in annoyance, Haerin looked back at her, "What did you say?" she asked, still with a confused look on her face.

"You're lucky I was in a good mood this morning Haerin."

"Sorry, I was thinking of something else."

Minji gritted her teeth, "How did the meeting with MK go?" she asked.

"They agreed to cooperate."

"When will the contract be delivered?"

Haerin furrowed her brows, trying to remember.
Is it in a week? Or is it in two days? She glanced at Minji, the CEO was looking at her with a flat face.

"I think it's in a week."
"You think?"

"Yeah, they said it during the meeting, but I forgot."
"Didn't you write it down?"

Minji clenched her fists, anger and confusion filling her. Haerin had never acted like this, and they needed the contract urgently to meet the revenue target.

This was important matter, why could she forget about it.

This damn cat needed to be taught a lesson.

There was a knock on the door, Haerin immediately opened it.

Danielle walked into the room carrying a brown envelope and a package of pastries.
Minji noticed how tense her sister's face became.

"Good morning." Danielle bowed to them, she then handed the brown envelope to Haerin, "This was delivered by a messenger from MK Construction."

Minji immediately took the envelope, Danielle also handed her a package of pastry, "Miss Pham left this for you Miss.", she then bowed her head and turned around.

"Dani, have lunch with me." came Haerin's voice.

Danielle stopped and faced her boss, "I'm sorry, but I will be eating with Miss Pham this afternoon." she smiled and bowed her head.

"Can I join you?" Haerin looked at the Australian, who immediately averted her eyes, "Hanni wants to talk about something private." she said.

"You can leave now Danielle." Minji said.

Danielle bowed her head again and walked out of the room.

Minji put the envelope and the packet of food on Haerin's desk, feeling annoyed, she walked up to the cat-eye and grabbed her by the collar of her jacket.

"I'll fire that favorite woman of yours if you keep acting like this." she snarled.

Haerin let go of Minji's hand roughly, "She has nothing to do with this."
"Read the contract well and give it to me when you're done." Minji snapped.

She then picked up her food, "Open the door." she said as she stepped towards the door.

Haerin adjusted her clothes and pressed the button on her desk. The door opened and Minji immediately came out.

Hanni was just about to put her blueberry pie in her mouth when Minji walked quickly towards her office. She put her food in a bag and carried it, following Minji.

"I didn't call you, why are you following me?" Minji opened the door and headed for the sofa. Hanni closed the door, "What's wrong? You look upset." she asked.

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