Tibia or Not Tibia?

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(Mettaton EX)

Second Person POV

You've been hanging out with Sans quite a lot lately.

Mettaton seems to always be busy with shows and things, so Sans offered to let you hang out with him.

Right now, you were hanging around Sans' little "post" we was supposed to be watching for humans that aren't you of course.

"So then I said, 'Don't look so chilled to the bone pal, I was only jokin'" You laughed a bit at Sans' little joke. "Man, you always come up with the best puns Sans." You said with a smile.

You and Sans continued to talk until your phone started ringing.

"Oh, hold on just a minute Sans." You said, holding up one finger.

You walked away from Sans' post a little bit and looked at who was calling. It was Mettaton.

You answered. "Mettaton?"

You heard a bit of a loud noise come from the other side of the phone, like something dropping.

"Mettaton, are you okay?" You asked. Mettaton cleared his throat a little before responding. "Y-Yes darling, everything's just fine."

"Alright. Do you need something?" You ask. "Ah, well... No... But, Napstablook told me you've been hanging out with Sans for quite some time... Especially while I'm hosting my shows..."

You kicked a bit of the snow under your feet. "Uh, yeah! I have! You've just been so busy, I didn't want to bother you." You felt a bit of a twinge of sadness. In truth, you missed Mettaton a lot. You wished he'd just make time for you, you've barely seen each other in months! You really didn't wanna be a bother though, he works hard to make G, and you shouldn't complain.


Mettaton stays silent.

"Uh, Mettaton?" You say.

"I see."

You got a bit nervous. You'd never heard Mettaton talk like that before.

"W-Well... I'm free for the next three days! So you can... Come back home..." Mettaton said, sounding somewhat sad.

Does Mettaton not want you home? Does he not want to see you? He said that so sadly...

"Um, alright. I'll be home in a bit then!" You said with obviously fake enthusiasm.

"Bye..." You said, hanging up the phone.

Mettaton's Side

"Hey Blooky, do you know where (Y/N) is? I've looked for them every where and I can't find them! I'm honestly a little worried..."

Napstablook looked up from what he was doing to face Mettaton.

"Oh.. (Y/N)..? Last I saw they were with Sans..." Napstablook said in his usual depressed tone.

"Sans? Why are they with Sans?"

Napstablook sighed. "They've... Been hanging out with Sans for the past few months you've been away... Don't worry though, Sans isn't mean to them or anything... He makes them laugh a lot... Keeps them com- pany..."

Napstablook cut his last word in half upon seeing Mettaton's unreadable face. It was one of surprise? Anger? He wasn't too sure, but he knew Mettaton wasn't happy.

"Thank you for telling me... Blooky..." Mettaton said, walking away.

Mettaton decided he'd call you and see if you were okay, and try to see if what Napstablook said was true.

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