Dating Him

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Mettaton EX/Mettaton:

- Mettaton is so incredibly proud to be dating you, he flaunts it to literally everyone, even you

- If you compare how Mettaton acts towards you from the first time you met him to now, he's done an absolute 180°

- One time you accidentally cut yourself while chopping up some vegetables for a salad (I eat salad a lot lmao) and Mettaton absolutely freaked


- Frantically rushed around the house to get you a band-aid

- Once he finally applied the band-aid he gave you a tight hug

- "Mettaton, I got a little cut. Did you really have to knock over every chair we own-" "YOU WERE HURT DARLING, OF COURSE I DID. Now are you okay?"

- If you'd cut yourself bad enough for the blood to be able to drip onto the cutting board, he'd call an ambulance

- He's surprisingly very clingy

- He loves to cuddle with you at night, as well as on his free days or before and after shows

- He'll pet your head and hold you for hours

- It puts him at ease to know you're in his arms, safe. He considers you to be very fragile, as he's a metal robot and you're a squishy human. Monsters aren't as fragile as you, and can, and will, easily hurt you, so it makes him feel safe when you cuddle as well

- If you and Mettaton aren't cuddling, then he's holding your hand

- Mettaton holds your hand everywhere, it ensures your safe, and also is just a way to show affection. He gives you all the affection

- Sometimes while on air, EX will dramatically drop onto one of his knees and kiss your hand, and Mettaton will dramatically put is hand to his head saying "I'VE FALLEN ILL, AND ONLY TRUE LOVES KISS CAN SAVE ME~!" You have to kiss his screen to get his to stop whining

- He's not at all ashamed to hug or kiss you on air either, but understands if you don't want him to


||Mettaton x Reader || Oneshots and Scenarios||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora