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TW// talk of military weapons and bombs
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
The next morning

The three eldest were in the sitting room, and Michael was still sleeping. Tommy was with Tubbo in the sitting room, and they chatted quietly. Then, Ranboo came in.

"Hey, Tomny? Uh, not-so-random question, about how far away are those three guys' home? Like how long were they chasing you before you made it here?" He asked. Tommy exhaled, thinking. "Maybe fifteen minutes? I dunno, I'm not good at keeping track of time."

"Fifte- wha- Tommy, you know that means they live like, a mile away, right? They could walk here in like no time at all." Ranboo said. "Well, yeah, I know." Tommy nodded, picking at his nails some.

"And you're not- like- scared?!"

"Of course I'm scared, Ranboo! How would anyone not be? But I mean, there's not really anything I can do about it."

A few moments of silence passed.

"Uhm...would now be a good time to say I got some job opportunity farther away? Uh, I wasn't planning on accepting it because I didn't wanna make Michael move since he's young, but honestly, if you're willing to move, I'll take the job," Tubbo said, patting his hands on his thighs.

"Woah- what? You got a a job opportunity? That's great!" Ranboo smiled. "Mhm! If I take it and we move, it offers more money, and it also makes us all about 75% more safe, especially Tommy." Tubbo said.

"Oh, please don't let my situation effect your decision! Do what you want, I don't wanna be the reason why you take a job you don't really want." Tommy said. "Oh, no, I do want the job! I just wasn't gonna say anything so we didn't have to move Michael! But if I'm happy because I've got a good job, and you're happy because you're actually safe, I'll take it!"

"I wouldn't mind to move, especially if it means getting you a better job and, like you said, making us all safer," Ranboo said, "We should probably talk to Michael about it, though. Y'know, since this is sort of his house too, and he has the right to voice his opinion." He added.

"Something we'd have to consider, though," Tubbo said, "If we move, you'll probably have to quit your job at that grocery store, Ranboo. And since I'd have a job then, and I wouldn't be home to school Michael, we'd have to put him in public school. Which, I mean, isn't bad, he'd be able to make friends."

"Can't Ranboo school Michael?" Tommy asked. "Me? School someone? Please, you're too funny! I do not have the IQ for that." Ranboo laughed in return. "No, you're smart, Ranboo. He just doesn't have the training to school someone. He doesn't give himself enough credit." Tubbo replied.

"So what's the job for?" Ranboo asked, changing the subject. "Oh, it's like, making some military weapons and stuff? The Email actually said that I was doing the computer work, like coding and stuff, but that they may get me actually making something if ever needed because of my engineering work in the past." Tubbo replied.

"Oh! Well that's...highly dangerous." Tommy said, laughing slightly. "Eh, not really. As long as nobody drops anything, I'll be fine."

Then a voice was heard from the entrance of the room.

"Woah, we're moving? And Bee's gonna work on bombs?!" Michael said.

The three looked over, seeing Michael standing there with a big smile on his face, and new pink hair that was messy.

"Well, I think everyone is on board with the plan." Ranboo chuckled.

Words: 625

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