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In the spring of March, Shen Yishu ushered in a rare long vacation.

Since "Long Summer" won the award, all kinds of invitations were stuffed into the agent's mailbox like snowflakes, and the agent complained that the two big stars made her tired and sick.

Throughout December and January, the two were busy with work, and the time to see each other was pitifully small, flying all over the world. It was not until the Spring Festival that the busy work came to an end.

But this year's Spring Festival is not idle, there is an audition invitation in mid-February just after the Spring Festival, which is a pretty good book from a famous director.

So during the whole Spring Festival, Shen Yishu was thinking about the script, trying to win it.

So during the Spring Festival, the two didn't have a good time with each other.

Ji Xiangyu knows that good scripts are hard to come by, she suppressed the script that Wen Qing handed over last time, and it will take time to find investment, so she can't be in a hurry for now, and focus on what she can get right now.

After the audition was over and the role was won, and after finalizing the summer filming plan with Hua Wu, Shen Yishu suddenly became idle.

But Ji Xiangyu was still busy, so she had to stay at home by herself and continue to learn cooking skills.

One morning, Lin Luosheng called and asked her to go shopping with her.

Shen Yishu is not a person who likes to go shopping, so she couldn't stand Lin Luosheng's soft-heartedness, so she reported the situation to Yu in the same season, and then got on the car to the destination.

Lin Luosheng was already waiting for her at the door.

Seeing Shen Yishu get off the car, Lin Luosheng trotted over. She and Zheng Shu got married on New Year's Day, and she wore a diamond ring on her ring finger. The sun shone, and she almost fainted.

The destination is a high-end bridal shop.

Shen Yishu looked up strangely, then asked: "Haven't you been married?"

Lin Luosheng said confidently: "But I have only worn five sets of wedding dresses, and there are so many wedding dresses I haven't worn, and I won't have the chance to get married again in the future, so I want to try a few more sets." Shen Yishu has no objection, Miss Lin and

Zheng The ladies are all very rich, so she thinks it's okay to hold a few more weddings, let alone just choose wedding dresses.

Lin Luosheng dragged her to go in. There were dozens of beautiful long wedding dresses on the stage on the first floor. Under the background of the lights, there was a stream of light everywhere. Even Shen Yishu looked at it for a few seconds longer.

She and Ji Xiangyu hadn't worn a wedding dress before a wedding. I never thought about it before, but now I was shocked when I saw the wedding dress.

She is not someone who insists on a sense of ritual, and she and Ji Xiangyu are already very content with what they are today, not to mention that she and Ji Xiangyu are both busy and have special identities. , Naturally, there is no need for any wedding.

Lin Luosheng seemed to know what she was thinking, she poked her head over and said, "Why don't you see what you like too?"

Shen Yishu shook her head with a smile, her consumption concept was still in her previous life, and she only bought when she needed it.

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