Queen Sandra's Backstory

Start from the beginning

The queen was pitiful.

One part of Sandra is to find her daughter. The other part of the queen had to remain in the kingdom.

To be safe from evil in the seawater.

Queen Sandra: Paula, this seashell here is magic by the white witches. Cory and Sara are really kindhearted. They even let me spend an hour in a hot bathtub.

The prince's supporter was taken aback.

She blinked her eyes twice.

Paula: You've been living at the witch's house as a mermaid?

Her voice was a whisper in shock.

The queen made her awkward smile.

Queen Sandra: Yes...

Paula: I thought you were a commoner.

Queen Sandra: I kinda pretend to be, thanks to Marcus' mother, the queen.

Paula: Don't you belong in the sea? Uh how long have you live in the witch's house? What about Marcus' father? The king I mean?

Queen Sandra: I was born in the sea as a mermaid. I lived in the witch's house when I used to be twenty years old. Oh and Prince Marcus met me by accident. He forgets to knock on the bathroom door. Of course he loves my red mermaid tail fin.

Paula: You didn't answer my question about Marcus' father, the king.

Sandra shook her head in melancholy.

Queen Sandra: Merfolk can't fall in love with humans.

The prince's supporter was sudden.

Paula: What?

Sandra took a deep breath.

The queen was sad.

Queen Sandra: I stayed at a home of the two white witches for protecting myself.

Paula: Protecting from the sharks?

Queen Sandra: Sharks don't chomp on merpeople unless they spared their lives for food in the ocean.

Paula: So sharks are just too hungry to hunt for themselves?

The queen shrugs her shoulders.

Queen Sandra: They think they're stronger than the other sea animals.

Paula: Or maybe they got no luck on finding food.

Queen Sandra: Maybe.

Paula: Listen, your majesty. Why live in the witch's house? I mean how did you and his majesty, King Marcus, end up together?

The queen made an anxious smile.

Queen Sandra: Before Marcus was the king, he have fallen in love with me as the prince. Marcus chose to be with me over his father's wishes. The magic seashell necklace is what got me to be with the prince. Thanks to Marcus' mother, I became the queen by marriage. They saved me from the cecaelia.

The dark orange tentacle appears on the balcony's railing.

Paula: What's a cecaelia?

It goes after the prince's supporter.

The queen was astonished.

Sandra ran to her.

Queen Sandra: Paula, watch out!

The queen pushes aside at her from the cecaelia's tentacle.

It catches Queen Sandra on her waist.

Paula falls down on the floor.

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