Invasion Crossover PT 1

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A Few months Later...

It has been 5 months since Grant and Melissa made there relationship official.
Everywhere Grant and Melissa went they were swarmed by Paparazzi so they had to hire security.

"HEY BABE DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO EAT!?" Grant asked from the kitchen.

Grant only heard silence he wanted across the hallway towards his room and sees a sleeping Melissa wearing his shirt.

Grant tried shaking Melissa awake but she just shrugged it off then Grant had an idea and kissed her.

Melissa opened her eyes and started kissing him back "Mhmmm I haven't brush me teeth Grant" Melissa groaned.

"I don't care" Grant smiled pecking her on the lips " I Made some breakfast in the kitchen".

"Mhhmmm" Melissa moaned grabbing Grant kissing him.

"Come Onnnn" Grant says picking her up bridal style. "Here Honey" Grant says putting a plate down " Chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries".

"And some orange juice" Grant says passing his girlfriend the glass.

"Thanks Baby this is really goooo" Melissa couldn't even finished thanking Grant as she ran to the bathroom room and puked.

"Babe!!?" Grant say running to the bathroom and started knocking on the door " MEL MEL MELISSA!!?" Grant yelled concerned.

"WHATS WRONG!?" Grant asked

" I—-Don't—-Feel—BAHhhh—-Good!!" Melissa yelled between Puke.

Melissa then came out " Sorry I didn't feel good" She says. "Are you sure" Grant asked and she nodded " I'll meet you at set" Melissa says "Mel are you Sure?" He asked concerned.

Melissa nodded and Grant kissed Melissa on the forehead and grabbed his leather jacket for the cold weather.

Melissa grabs her stomach and went to the bathroom grabbing a pink box out of the cabinet under the sink.

Grant parks his Car and went to his trailer to set his stuff down.

Grant then heard and knock "Open!" Grant says " Hey you ready for this crossover?" Carlos asks.

"Hell Yeah!" Grant says " Im about to go to Hair & Make up" Grant says walking out his trailer.

Star Labs

"Was that-was that the satellite? I hope that wasn't the satellite " Cisco asks walking toward the computer.

"Is that a meteor?" Caitlin asked " Why yes that is a meteor and yes it is heading for town down" Cisco replied unhappy.

"I Got to go" Barry says


"This isn't a meteor" Barry says arriving " Barry? Hey Barry come in" Cisco says through the comms.

Barry tried touching the spacecraft but once he did its force field sent him flying toward the ground.

Then an swarm of dominators came out the spaceship running in many directions as some shrieked at Barry


"CUT!" The director yelled " That was good very good first take Grant" He says patting him on the back.

"Hey Grant where's Melissa?" Danielle asks " Oh she said she meet me here but she puke this morning she said she couldn't keep her food down" He says

"Ohhhh umm Has she been throwing up lately?" Danielle asked and he nodded " Ok tell her I hope she's better soon.

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