The Kiss

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Grant was called back to set and shot a couple scenes he started to get ready to Leave.

" Hey" Melissa says walking up to him " Hey Today was fun" Grant said grabbing Melissa hands.

" Yea it was" Melissa says smiling looking into his eyes " See you later" Grant says kissing her cheek. Melissa was Blushing bright red.

When Grant got home he just got ready to go to sleep but it was hard for him cause he kept thinking about Melissa.

The Next day Grant went to set early and he was walking into his trailer but he bumped into Melissa.

" Oh Hey good morning Melissa" Grant says smiling " Morning Grant" Melissa said " Last day off the Crossover" Grant says " I know sadly " Melissa says frowning " umm you want to get breakfast" Grant asks " Sure" Melissa replied.

After getting their breakfast they headed to Grant's trailer " I had fun doing this crossover" Grant said " Yea I hope we have more soon" Melissa says eating.

After they finished eating they started shooting their scenes.

After the fight with Live-wire and Silver banshee

" You really think this gonna work?" Kara asked " Well watching Livewire and Banshee work together reminded me of something that we tried on my Earth once You and I join forces" Barry said.

Kara was intrigued about what Barry was saying " We combine your speed with my speed If you throw me forward at your fastest then I might just break the dimensional barrier and get back home" Barry explained

" What? What do you mean? Like a race" Kara says smiling " Yeah I guess think you can keep up Girl of steel?" Barry joked " Just you watch Scarlet Speedster..I'm gonna miss you Barry Allen" Kara says walking closer to him.

" I'm gonna miss you too Kara Danvers or Kara Zor-el Which is you Alien name because your an Alien which I think is very cool" Barry says excitedly and Kara just started smiling at Barry " Come here" Kara says hugging Barry.
Scene ended:

When Grant and Melissa pulled away from the hug they were just staring into each others eyes they both had this feeling in each others stomachs and Both started Leaning and Kissed. Both of them were kissing each other Passionately not wanting to pull away they both never felt this way before.

The Director and Crew was shocked at what they did but still kept rolling.

When Grant and Melissa pulled away and realized what they did they just started Blushing and started to improvise.

" Um that happened" Grant said " Yea" Melissa said smiling and blushing bright red.

" I hope I see you again" Melissa says " You will" Grant said  " Let's do this" Grant says putting on the tachyon enhancer.

" On your marks.."  " Get set"  " GO" they both yelled.

" CUT" the director yelled and Grant and Melissa thought the Director was gonna say something about them kissing put he said nothing.

They started shooting again when they put a Green screen behind them both.

Grant and Melissa just started running and Looked at eachother and smiles and Melissa pretended to throw Grant.

" I'm gonna miss you Barry" Melissa said and they stopped rolling.

Grant and Melissa walked to the Director and Was excepting for Him to yell at them "  I'm not mad" he says " Your not?" Melissa asked.

" No I'm not Let's just see how the fans react to this" Director says walking away.

Melissa look at Grant and says " Soooo we kind of.." " Kissed" Grant said " yea so what does this mean for us?" Melissa asked " umm I guess I should ask you this Melissa Benoist would you like to go out with me?" Grant said.

Melissa started to form a big smile on her face and says," I Would Love to Grant" and Kissed him.

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