Book Signing

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I am sitting waiting for the setup to finish and I am finally going to be seated at the table with books ready to be signed. At first I felt like no one was going to arrive and thought security was overdone. Then I wished we had more security. I start signing books and I listen to them tell me what they thought of my book and what sone felt I did wrong. I smile and sign their book and think I am the one sitting here signing a finished book and a best seller and you are giving me writing advice. I generally ask them the question that stops them from criticizing me, I ask the name of their book? It is at this point they turned red and tell me they aren't published yet. I am on break when I am eating my lunch and drinking my tea and I am approached by a group of young ladies who have no idea what I am on break means. They slipped past security somehow. The leader was a thin model type with black short hair and green eyes she starts talking while I am trying to finish my food.

I can't believe it we got in to get our books signed and there she is and no one is at her table. So we all go up and take our books up for her to sign. Broken Glass is the title of the book and it starts as a very sad story of a young girl who was drugged and tried to fight off the guy and he ended up dying from being pushed into a glass door. She ends up serving time and finally the reverse the verdict after new evidence was found. It is a sad but poignant story of how things can go so very wrong and turn out to end so well. A lot of twists and turns and it has a very happy ending. We get to her desk and she has a mouth full of food and I am talking away and she looks at me and my six friends and then around for security. She finally just starts signing our books. Each of us asking for special things being inscribed in the books until she tells Gia she won't do hers the way she wants it done. Gia tries, but Miss Lambert says that the way Gia is asking her to inscribe it makes it seem like she used Gia as one of the characters of the book and she could cause her legal issues and she isn't going to share her royalties with Gia. I hadn't thought of that but she was right and Gia is a snake. She tells Gia to leave and she has security guards help Gia out of the store. Miss Lambert tells us we should be very careful around her because if she did this, what else would she do? I start thinking about what she had me get signed by my family and they refused outright every time. They also advised me not to sign anything she suggested. I followed their instructions to a T and if all else failed I would tell them my father the attorney would need to look it over first and they never asked again. I apologized to miss Lambert and thanked and we left. The lines were still around the block, somehow we were able to get in to get our books signed. Gia wasn't able to get one signed.

I knew who it was as soon as I saw the writer. I decided to use the distraction of Mia and the rest of the girls to get her to write just exactly what would get me royalties from the book. I know part of the story from the newspapers and her name isn't Lambert it's Steele. I saw the look in her eyes and knew she was about to have me arrested and I started to leave but security made sure I did. They informed me that I am to stay away from the author or a restraining order will be filed against me. Mia and the rest came out laughing and I guess Mia was told that Christian had something to do with us getting in to see her on her break time. Her assistant didn't tell her about us and she was polite and signed them for us anyway.

I tell Gia that she needs to stop doing the things that she's been doing because she could end up in jail and she nearly did today. She then tells us what the authors real name is and pulls up what she thinks is a newspaper clipping that has nothing on it regaling any Anastasia Steele. It does have a lot of different Anastasia's and last names that aren't Steele. Gia is telling me that there was a story about her being in prison for killing a man and they found new evidence just like in the book and the reverses the verdict and released her. She and her parents won law suits and all the newspapers paid big time. They apologized for a week to the Steele's and wrote the true story. Dad would recall this. I asked her why did she try to steal royalties from her if she knew what hell she went through? Her comments were cavalier and insensitive and I know that I can't be friends with her any longer.

I can't believe Mia was giving me a hard time about my attempt to get sone cash. She is lucky she has brothers and parents who support her and pay for everything for her. What's a little bit of royalties from this writer and I don't understand what the problem is. Soon she tells me that we should go our seaways if I don't understand the problem with trying to steal from the author or her and her family for that matter.

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