Chapter Three

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The interrogation was carried out at the outskirts of Western location. Six girls sat with an unsmiling face waiting to be questioned.
"We were playing a game and it was time for Jolie to untie her but she was no where to be found." Louisiana stated. " We thought maybe she'd left for her home as she'd insisted she would."
"I'd gone as far as possible away from her so I can hear when someone would tell me to untie her. When I was told, I walked to where she'd been to free her from the tree, but I couldn't find her. She was gone. And that was when I alerted everyone." Jolie informed.
"We had to leave because it was almost 2am. We were with a map. It helped us locate our way." Says Viviane.
"I did. Come on, it was just an everyday game. Anyone can play hide and seek. I thought it was going to be fun and that was why I came up with the idea " Danielle spoke out.
"We are not guilty of anything. You don't even know if she's alive. She's only missing, that's it. Besides, we didn't force her to come with us. She followed by her own will." Justine rolled her eyes.
"I want my lawyer." Gabriella concluded.
Ms Kendrick was still in shock after Anna asked the question. She was dialing Danielle who after missing twice of the call, answered.
  "Danielle, something is wrong." Jolie spoke immediately to the phone. She was shivery.
"What's wrong? Is Anna alright?" Danielle was concerned.
"It's about Anna. She asked me who Juliette was. I'm still in shock." Jolie says.
"Juliette. Wait, what? But, how?"
"I don't know. Danielle, I'm confused.“
"Calm down. Where's Anna now?“
"In the sitting room. I'd excused myself to my room, pretending not to know what she was talking about."
"I'm surprised. Maybe she came across the name from your things or someone?"
"I have nothing that concerns Juliette in my house."
"Do you think this has to do with the ghost girl she claimed to have heard?" Danielle reasons.
"I don't think so. There's nothing like ghosts. I think I'll have to find out my way." Jolie said and dropped the call.
Jolie was quiet, stirring at the coffee cup on her hands and staring for long at Anna, who sat at the couch close to the window. She drank the cup of coffee at a single gulp. It was past bedtime. The lights in the sitting room was subdued and some sort of fragrance lingered about on the air.
  “You asked me something?“ Ms ken's arms were folded against her chest.
“Who's Juliette Lewis.“ Anna asked yet again.
“Okay, fine. I will tell you. But first of all, you will tell me how you knew the name and why you're asking.“
“Comeon, It's just a question. Who is she? You don't have to know how I got to know the name.“
“Not only that, why did you ask me about the night of gilbardo?“ Jolie reasons she was getting to somewhere.
“Well,” Anna thought for some while and became serious. “What happened at the night of gilbardo, twenty years ago.“
Jolie could notice that there was something weird going on with her daughter.
“And I said, why're you asking!“ Ms ken yelled. “How did you come across that godforsaken name?“ Jolie cried.
Anna had immediately fallen into what seemed to be a deep silent or thought. “I don't know.“ Her eyelids were filled with tears. “Mum, what's wrong with me?“
“Anna?“ Jolie couldn't understand her sudden change. “Anna, what's happening to you?“ Ms ken strode to where she was sitting. “Are you okay, honey?“
“I feel cold.“
“Should I take you to your room?“ Jolie offers.
“No mum, I'm fine. Can you please make me a cup of hot tea?“
“Okay my dear. Give me a minute.“ Jolie was relieved that she has come to her senses. The name Juliette reminds her of the past she tries to put behind her. What on earth is happening? Could what Anna said about speaking to a ghost be true? And what if that was the spirit of Justine. She experienced a tinge shudders.
  “Easy Juliette. You mustn't be in a haste. The moment shall come for all of them to pay for what they did to me.“ Anna displayed a small smile.
Juliette's Mother, Jennifer Lewis, was in the principal's office. She looked like she hadn't eaten since the dismiss of her daughter. Her eyes were swollen and was full of pain. The six girls sat next to each other waiting to hear what she was going to say.
Jennifer started. “Juliette, refused to tell me where she was going after school on the day she went missing. She had said it was a secret mission. I remember persuading her to open up on what it was, and she said, if she tells me it would no longer be a secret mission and she promised her friends not to tell anyone. She'd said, they trust me not to tell anyone and I'm not going to betray them. I can never betray my friends no matter what. Juliette trusted you girls. She speaks about you girls. She tells me how she loves y'all company. I told her to be home before seven in the evening and she'd promised she will.“ Juliette looks at each of their faces. “Juliette haven't arrived home yet.“ Tears welled up in her eyes. “Juliette was last seen with the six of you by the information that reached my ears. Since Juliette was nowhere to be found, the six of you haven't made any effort to look for her. Maybe you might consider visiting to take her posters and help with the search. But no, ever since Juliette disappeared, the six of y'all stopped visiting. Didn't you girls ever like Juliette?“
“Juliette was our friend. She was so sweet and that's the main reason she was voted as the promqueen and also the reason we loved her in our circle. But everyone isn't that lucky.“ Justine was quick to utter.
“Just some few more days, we might see her again.“ Jolie says.
“Never doubt what God can do.“ Louisiana smiles.
“My parents doesn't let me go anywhere after the incident. I'm only permitted to school and then back to the house. They think I might go missing too.“ Viviane said.
“I'm so sorry, ma. If there's anything I could do to help, I would. But it doesn't include visiting your place. My parents doesn't want me to be involved with the matter.“ Gabriella uttered.
“Mr Clifford, my parents wouldn't be pleased if they learnt that I've missed the English lessons because of something i know nothing of.“ Danielle looks at the principal who sat quiet listening to everything that was said.
“Ms Jennifer,” The principal spoke up.“ I'm so sorry to say that the students needs to attend their classes. So if you would please…”
“You said that Juliette disappeared before you girls wanted to start a game. But this doesn't sit right. Why would Juliette disappear when she'd accepted to play the game.“ Jennifer continues, she wasn't going to fall in to what Mr Clifford had said. She knew she was getting somewhere.
“You can't predict Juliette at times. One moment she's agreeing to something, the next moment, she's disagreeing to it.“ Danielle responded.
“And one more thing,” Jennifer said. “how did Juliette untie herself?“

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