Time for Change

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As Earth returned to Thailand, a renewed sense of purpose filled his being. The time spent apart from Santa had been transformative for both of them. They had grown individually, finding their own paths and embracing their true selves.

Earth's journey of self-discovery led him to a newfound confidence. Breaking free from societal expectations, he boldly expressed himself through his fashion choices. Skirts swirled around his legs, crop tops accentuated his figure, and his makeup became an artistic expression of his inner spirit. Each step he took was a testament to his courage and the strength he had found within himself.

Meanwhile, Santa delved deeper into his passion for dance. He devoted hours to honing his skills, pushing his body to new limits. With unwavering determination, he set his sights on the shimmering stage of a K-pop survival show, hoping to fulfill his dream of debuting as an artist.

Earth watched from afar, filled with pride and admiration for Santa's relentless pursuit of his goals. Just as Santa's respect for Earth's confidence grew. Santa was proud of Earth for his ability to be himself. Even if they only saw each other on Instagram.

Their separate journeys allowed them to heal the wounds of the past. They each sought guidance through therapy, learning to face their insecurities and past hurts head-on. Through introspection and self-reflection, they discovered inner strength they never knew they possessed.

Months later and an unexpected call disrupted Earth's and Santa's routines, sending a jolt of intrigue through their bodies. They picked up their phones, unaware of the life-changing conversation about to unfold.

"Hey! Is this Earth?" a voice on the other end asked cheerfully.

"Yes, speaking. Who is this?" Earth replied, confusion tinged his tone.

"This is Director Lee from Wabi Sabi. We've been keeping an eye on your journey, and we think you'd be perfect for our upcoming project," Director Lee exclaimed.

Earth's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and delight washing over him. "Seriously? That's amazing! What's the project about?" Director Lee's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as he explained the outline for the series. Earth's intrigue piqued.

"There is a script reading next week. We just need to make a couple more calls. No casting. This was made for you." Director Lee explained. Once again Earth was confused, but also honoured.

As the call ended, somewhere a few miles away Santa was picking up a similar call.

"Santa?" the director said. He and Santa had gotten close over the last few months from their last project. Director Lee had become a mentor for Santa, and become his biggest supporter.

"Phi Lee," Santa replied cheerfully, "How are you?" They exchanged small pleasantries.

"Now the reason for my call," Director Lee steered the conversation, "I have a project for you."

Santa was excited, "Awesome! When is the casting?" he asked.

"No casting. It's a project for YOU." he reitorated. Santa was speechless. He realised what just happened and expressed his utmost gratitude to the director. "Well, I've seen how much you've grown and developed. I've seen how hard you've worked and everything you've been through. You deserve a shot at another lead." He praised Santa some more before ending the call.

Santa flopped onto his bed happy. Then it dawned on him. This was his first lead since Earth and their project. He would have to be brave and learn how to show what he needed with a new partner.

Unbeknownst to Earth and Santa, destiny had intertwined their paths once again. The unexpected called them to a shared journey, where their personal and professional lives converged. As they absorbed the weight of the conversation, their hearts swelled with excitement, knowing that this new project held the promise of new beginnings, and unforeseen challenges.

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