Those TikToks

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A few months had passed, and the coronavirus situation had improved, allowing the country to slowly reopen. Earth and Santa were excited to get out and do things together, like they used to before the pandemic.

They started talking about movies. Earth mentioned that he had heard about a new romantic movie that was coming out soon, and Santa's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I've been dying to see that movie!" Santa exclaimed.

Earth smiled. "Well, how about we go see it together?"

Santa's heart skipped a beat. He had never been on a date before, and the thought of going with Earth made him feel nervous but also giddy with anticipation.

As they drove to the mall, Earth suggested that they make a little vlog about their outing. "We could post it on TikTok," he said, pulling out his phone. "It'll be fun!"

Santa hesitated at first, unsure about putting their personal lives out there for the world to see. But he trusted Earth and decided to go along with it.

They just wanted to share the experience with their fans. It was nothing out of the ordinary for them; they had posted a few videos before, but this one was different. The feelings behind this video had shifted.

In the video, they ate together, laughing and enjoying each other's company before they made their way to the cinema. They showed off their share size popcorn and side by side seats.

Santa leaned on Earth's shoulder and whispered something into his ear, causing him to blush and smile. It was a small, intimate moment that their fans picked up on immediately.

After the movie, they took another video of themselves walking out of the cinema heading to the car. They looked happy and relaxed, comfortable in each other's company.

After they posted, it quickly went viral, with fans commenting and speculating about their relationship status. Some congratulated them, while others expressed surprise and disbelief.

Despite the attention, Earth and Santa didn't feel the need to confirm or deny anything. They were happy just being together, and they knew that their relationship was their own business. As the weeks went by, they continued to post videos together, showing off each other. They were happy, seemed close, and unapologetically themselves, and most of their fans loved them for it.

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