The Audition

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The day of the audition had arrived, and Santa felt his nerves getting the best of him. He was excited to be auditioning for a BL series, but he was also scared. He had never acted in such a role before and didn't know what to expect. As he waited outside the audition room, he saw Earth approaching him, looking calm and collected.

"Hey, Santa," Earth said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Are you ready for this?"

"I don't know, Earth," Santa replied, his voice trembling slightly. "I'm so nervous."

"Don't worry," Earth said, putting a hand on Santa's shoulder. "I've been in your shoes before.

Just relax and be yourself. You'll do great."

As they entered the audition room, Santa saw the director and casting team sitting in front of them, looking serious and focused. He took a deep breath and tried to compose himself.The audition scene was set in a coffee shop, where the two characters met for the first time. Santa was supposed to play the shy and innocent character, while Earth played the charming and flirtatious one. They had to act out a scene where they exchanged flirtatious glances and
engaged in witty banter.

As the scene began, Santa felt his nerves start to dissipate. He looked into Earth's eyes and felt a spark of chemistry between them. He started to relax and let his emotions flow, playing off of Earth's confident and seductive performance.

The audition went smoothly, and Santa felt proud of himself for getting through it. As they left the audition room, Santa turned to Earth and thanked him for his help.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Earth," he said, feeling grateful for his friend's support.

"You did great, Santa," Earth replied, giving him a warm hug. "I knew you had it in you. And who knows? Maybe we'll get cast together as the leads."

A few days later, Santa and Earth received the good news that they had been cast as the leads. They both felt thrilled and excited, and Santa knew that he had Earth to thank for helping him get through the audition.

As they prepared for the shoot, Santa and Earth spent a lot of time together, rehearsing their lines, and building their chemistry in workshop. Santa felt more confident now that he had Earth by his side, and he knew that they would make a great team.

However, nothing could prepare them for what would happen next.

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