Unveiling the Mask

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A few days had passed, the company reminded the fans of the upcoming fan meeting on social media, catching both Santa and Earth off guard. They hadn't anticipated having to see each other again so soon, let alone be put in a position where they had to act as a couple.

The weekend of the fan meeting arrived quickly. The raw emotions simmered beneath the surface as they tried to put on a brave face for their fans.

As they took their seats on the stage, the atmosphere was heavy with an unspoken tension. The fans cheered and applauded, their excitement filling the room. But for Santa and Earth, it felt like a suffocating weight pressing down on them.

The fan meeting began with questions from the audience. There were questions about the drama, about them as a couple, and any upcoming work. Santa and Earth forced smiles, trying their best to hide the discomfort they felt in each other's presence. But the fans were quick to notice something was off.

"Why haven't you guys done a TikTok together in a while?" one fan asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Santa glanced at Earth, a flicker of unease crossing his eyes. He took a deep breath, attempting to compose himself. "Uh, well, we've both been really busy with work lately," he replied, his voice faltering slightly.

Earth nodded in agreement, his voice lacking its usual confidence. "Yeah, it's been a hectic schedule for both of us, so we haven't had a chance to film anything together. But we appreciate all the love and support you've been giving us."

The fans seemed satisfied with their response, but Santa and Earth knew it was a lie. The truth was, they had been avoiding each other intentionally, trying to distance themselves from the pain and heartache of their breakup. Seeing each other again, acting as a couple for the fans, reopened old wounds that were still raw and bleeding.

The fan meeting continued and the the awkwardness between them became normal. The forced smiles felt more natural, but the distance between them felt palpable. The questions kept coming, some fans blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil that Santa and Earth were experiencing.

As the fan meeting reached its climax, a sudden change in the atmosphere signaled the next segment of the event. The stage lights dimmed, leaving only a soft spotlight illuminating Santa and Earth in the center. The audience erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement mounting.

A familiar melody filled the air, resonating with the hearts of the fans. It was a song that everyone knew, but they werent aware would be sung today. Santa chose this song last minute. The lyrics had captured the essence of Santa and Earth's journey—a tale of love, struggle, and ultimately, separation. The lyrics seemed to mirror their own emotions, tugging at the strings of their hearts.

"Say something I'm giving up on you..." Santa began. With a bittersweet smile, he turned to Earth, their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. It was a song they had performed together before. But only for each other. A piece they had created when they learned contemporary dancing. How to create a story with their bodies, and their emotions. This time it was different.

The lyrics pulsed through their veins, connecting them in a way that any words they chose couldn't. Side by side, they began to move in sync, the slow but calculated choreography speaking volumes of the story they had shared. Each step carried the weight of their unspoken love, the longing and pain etched in their every gesture.

As they danced, the walls that had separated them started to crumble. In that fleeting moment, they were no longer acting as a couple for their fans—they were pouring their souls into the performance, their bodies moving in harmony, expressing the depth of their emotions.

The audience watched in awe as Santa and Earth gracefully moved across the stage, their chemistry undeniable, their connection palpable. The song encapsulated their journey, serving as a cathartic release of their hidden feelings.

"And I, will swallow my pride. You're the one that I love, and I'm saying goodbye..."

With every note, the fans could feel the rawness of their emotions, witnessing a love that couldn't be contained, even in the face of adversity. Tears welled in the eyes of some fans, touched by the authenticity of Santa and Earth's performance.

"Anywhere, I would've followed you. Say something, I'm giving up on you..." They harmonised. Their voices almost sounding like they were pleading with each other.

As the song reached its crescendo, Santa and Earth found themselves standing face to face, their bodies mere inches apart. Time seemed to stand still as they exchanged a tender glance, their eyes reflecting the longing and love they had been trying so desperately to suppress.

"Say something..." The final notes of the song hung in the air, the melody fading into silence.

A tear rolled down Earth's face. Santa raised his hand to wipe it away. In a frozen moment, forgetting they were on stage. The silence was deafening. Then, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause, moved by the vulnerability and rawness they had witnessed. Santa pulled his hand away quickly and they both turned to face the fans.

Santa and Earth stood there, breathless and emotionally exposed, their hearts laid bare for all to see. Santa stole a glance at Earth, his eyes pleading for understanding. In that moment, the walls they had built around their hearts came crashing down. The pain and longing were written across their faces, revealing a truth they could no longer deny. As the fan meeting drew to a close, Santa and Earth exchanged a brief, knowing look. It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truth—their love was still alive, buried beneath layers of hurt and regret.

But, Earth was afraid. He didn't want to fall back into the same pattern as before. Even though Santa was a year older, the pain that had been caused was too much. He needed to escape. He needed to clear his mind.

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