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"It's uh....."
Why couldn't he just tell me who it was? I didn't wanna know but I also wanted to know, you know?
"Hey Tom you left yo-,"
We stopped and looked at the door to see who it was. Seriously Bill? Wrong timing.
His jaw dropped to see what was going on. Suddenly he smiled and squealed and jumped up as if he were one of his own fan girls.
"YOU DID IT YOU DID IT YOU DID IT! Did you tell her what you told me?" he asked Tom.
"About his mystery girl?" I said sarcastically.
"What mystery girl?"
"The one you were talking about on the phone with Bill, how you wanted to protect her from crazy fangirls and paparazzi and news reporters-"
"You heard?! You said you didn't hear anything," Tom said while he looked offended that he'd been lied too.
"Well obviously if she was eavesdropping she's not gonna tell you right away, you were weren't you?" Bill asked as he tilted his head towards me to try and look at me.
I nodded.
"Wait but, why did you call her a mystery girl?" he asked me, "Did you not te-"
Tom gave him a look which signaled him to be quiet.
"No he didn't." I got Tom off of me and walked over to the bathroom. I was about to start crying a little. I was jealous of whoever this mystery girl was. I wish I were her.
Tom's POV
"You haven't told her yet?" my brother asked.
"No, it's too early. She'll probably think I'm weird or whatever."
I was already feeling something for Aria. I don't know why this fast or why I felt that way. I just did.
"Or she thinks you're a player and that you'll play her," he said rolling his eyes.
"That's what she said earlier, I told her I wouldn't."
"Pffttt okay. You think she's gonna trust you when you say something like that? It's obvious to her that you might be lying, I mean just two or three days ago you had a girl in here and you did God knows what!" he whispered loudly at me.
Bill always was upset when I brought girls home. He would be shady with them and then said that they were the problem. The girls I brought were annoying though. I've only had two other girls I've gotten along with. My other ex blackmailed me to get with her.
"Okay okay, so I did play girls before but I'm not gonna do that to Aria, never."
"Well like I said, prove it. Show her you actually do care about her somehow. But try not to make it obvious you're head over heels for her, if you don't want to make it obvious. That parts up to you."
"How do I do that?"
"This is what you get for hooking up with too many girl-"
I noticed Aria coming back in the room.
"SHHH tell me later she's coming back."
Her eyes were red. Was she crying? uh oh.....
Aria's POV
When I was in the bathroom I heard the twins whispering to each other. Once they saw me come back in I heard Tom shush Bill. They stopped and looked at me worried.
"Were you crying?" Tom asked.
"No I'm fine don't worry."
Bill came over and hugged me tightly. Even if I lied he knew I was.
"Is it okay if you tell me later?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded smiling and he returned one back to me.
"Aria you sure you're okay?" Tom ran up to me and put his hands on the cheeks of my face. God I was blushing hard again.
"Yea I'm alright," I said trying to smile.
"Alright well, we need to go to bed or we're gonna wake up late. Good night!" Bill said as he left the room.
Tom and I said goodnight and went straight to bed. That night I kept tossing and turning thinking about the girl. He's probably known her for a while, she's probably really pretty too. It's whatever though, as long as he's happy. I'm sure I'll find someone who could make me feel the same way he already did.
When it was morning, I got up and went downstairs. Bill was already up making pancakes. He turned around once he heard my footsteps.
"Good morningggg!" he said.
"Morning," I replied.
"Since no one's up yet, is it alright if we talk about last night....," I already trusted Bill so I didn't mind if he found out about my true feelings. I explained everything to him. How I didn't wanna fall for Tom in the beginning, how my feelings started after our conversation in the basement, how I overheard the phone conversation, and how jealous I was of the mystery girl.
He comforted me, and then told me a few things: "First of all, good for you in the beginning for trying not to fall for him. Second, it's understandable why you fell for him, Tokio Hotel is irresistible." I hit him on the shoulder with him giggling and smiling.
"But seriously, don't think about the mystery girl too much. You shouldn't really be jealous of her. You know her more than you think. OHH I wish I could tell you straight up who it isss."
"Why can't you?" I asked.
"Tom doesn't want anyone knowing until it's the right time. He met her not too long ago and wants to know her a little more."
"Wanna know who more?" Gustav said as him and Georg came down the stairs.
"You know....the girl," Bill replied.
"Oh yeaaa her," Georg said while biting into a pancake, "Tom doesn't want many people knowing, especially you-"
Bill hit him in the shoulder aggressively as Georg then held his shoulder as if he broke it.
"I don't want Aria knowing what?" a voice from the stairs said.
"Oh uhm, you don't want her to know that....uhh"
"The..PARTY we're gonna throw her as a welcome to Germany and to our group!" Gustav came up with.
"We're throwing a par-OW!" Bill hit him as he was confused on what was going on. I guess Bill had a thing for hitting people.
"Yea well you just told her now big mouth," Georg said laughing at Bill and Tom. Gustav hit him on the head. The four all started hitting each other back and forth. They all kept going at it until Bill looked at me laughing and watching them play around.
"Aw Aria's getting left out.....GET HER"
We all starting going at each other laughing and playing around. We kept hitting and slapping each other until Georg saw the time....
Second part for today done! I might post another one later on but hope you like the story so far (i wont have tom confess until a little while, maybe another two or three parts later) pls tell me how u like the story so far !! 🤗

Soft Spot- A Tom Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now